By 00Evan - 05/04/2009 13:48 - Australia

Today, while working at a Subway store right next to a big hospital, there was a big line of people all getting their subs toasted. Without turning around, I asked the next person in line, "I'll bet you want yours extra toasted?" She was a burns victim from the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 543
You deserved it 79 635

00Evan tells us more.

00Evan 0

Hey, I'm the original poster. I think comment #78 has the right idea - I wasnt saying it in a rude way, just sort of jokingly, since the last few people had all said toasted. Was just putting theirs in the oven and getting her order at the same time.

Top comments

Why bother making an assy remark like that in the first place, burn victim or not? What were you thinking? >_


Ouch, that must be awkward to handle....hopefully they didn't think much of it and just said yes or something =P

omg ahhhhhhh! i'm sorry, i hope she wasn't to pissed or sad. and whoever says "you deserve it" is an idiot because it wasn't his fault. he didn't look up and he assume she would get hers toasted because so many other people did. this wasn't in any way the poster's fault!

TryToBeKind 0

This is why you pay attention to your customers. As individuals, not just another sandwich. It goes a long, long, way toward not putting your foot in your mouth.

next time wait to the costumer to tell you what he/she want..! :)

TryToBeKind 0

Two problems here a) you assumed the customer wanted theirs toasted/extra toasted, b) You didn't look at the customer first. Always, always, always pay attention to customers Never, never, never assume anything.

I think after this incident, it's safe to say he learned his lesson.

how is this an FML? Its not like it was on purpose. How were you supposed to know she was a burn victim? You were just saying it cause everyone else wanted theirs toasted. No biggie.

Dude, you didn't do anything wrong. For those that are bashing this guy, how many of you do things at work instinctively and without reacting? You're also all assuming that that she made the connection AND thought he was talking about her, despite him not looking at her as he was saying it.

wtf? you can't have known... and it's normal to make a joke with it. nothing to be worried about IMO:) i agree with #16

you horrible horrible person. no jk thats ******* hillarious. you got her good!