By 00Evan - 05/04/2009 13:48 - Australia

Today, while working at a Subway store right next to a big hospital, there was a big line of people all getting their subs toasted. Without turning around, I asked the next person in line, "I'll bet you want yours extra toasted?" She was a burns victim from the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 543
You deserved it 79 635

00Evan tells us more.

00Evan 0

Hey, I'm the original poster. I think comment #78 has the right idea - I wasnt saying it in a rude way, just sort of jokingly, since the last few people had all said toasted. Was just putting theirs in the oven and getting her order at the same time.

Top comments

Why bother making an assy remark like that in the first place, burn victim or not? What were you thinking? >_


Benatron 0
tiltwrestler 0

You got BURNEDDD ahahah- oh, shit, wait.... somebody got fried!!!! oh jeez nvm thats not doing the situation justice, either... that customer got BAKED! eh, **** this, I give up.. haha =================== lol jokes aside, this is funny- and totally not your fault. but you did apologize afterwards... right?

aw this isn't your fault you didn't see them. i'm sorry to hear that.. she must have been upset. :(

# 24, How were they being snappy? They were assuming that this person wanted a toasted sub... and since there was a larger line, I'm guessing that this customer also saw everyone else getting their subs toasted, (unless their eyes were burnt out or something like that) So THEY should have known that the OP was probably KIDDING

mehwhateverr 0

everyone saying they deserved it, needs to reread the fml. the person didn't turn around when saying it. the OP was just commenting on how EVERYONE ironically seemed to want the same toasted bread. that's not rude at all. reading comprehension, people.

Seeing the no. of ppl who voted "you deserved that one" makes me lose faith in humanity. They're all either stupid or believe in karma. I don't know which is worse.