By Anonymous - 06/05/2014 22:47 - United States - Sparks

Today, while working at Home Depot, a customer tried to engage me in a conversation about which gardening tool would "hypothetically" be the best to kill his wife with. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 445
You deserved it 3 834

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Can't go wrong with the classic shovel + u can use it to dig the hole. This all completely hypothetical of course!!!!


RedPillSucks 31

Sell him every tool you've got. He'll be going away for a long time anyway, so make sure he pays in cash.

pitch fork. can get both lungs and the heart.

Might wanna contact police. That's a very odd question and not one that should be posed even as a joke.

I used to love her, oh yeah but now I need a tiller.

Goblin182 26

So, what did y'all come up with?

Maybe a nice ironic tool like a hoe