By getajob - 28/09/2012 17:40 - United States - Carmel
Same thing different taste
By TheLibrarian - 27/10/2018 05:00
By Monica - 02/07/2022 16:00
Oh, thanks…
By Whoops - 24/06/2009 20:44 - United States
By TooSunnyForSkin - 05/06/2013 04:22 - United States - Huntington
By xXshitface4uXx - 25/07/2014 22:46 - New Zealand - Rotorua
Memory error
By lostwife - 22/11/2011 16:20 - United States
Girl Bossing
By annie - 10/01/2023 11:00 - United States
Spreading it around
By Anonymous - 24/05/2020 14:00
By Bluevayero - 12/03/2019 14:00
By Happy Employee - 31/08/2014 21:51 - United States
Top comments
To get a Job most places make you take a drug test; welfare should be the same way.
And you have NO IDEA HOW SHE GOT THE CRUISE NOW DO YOU? Maybe she won it. Maybe she got it as a gift. Maybe she paid for a non refundable trip prior to having financial difficulties. Quit being such a little **** because some one else has a little happiness.
Damn I thumbed you up when I meant down. If they are in the position they need assistance going a cruise shouldn't be an option whether or not they won it. First they have to pay taxes on the prize. Second they need spending and food money, third if they're gonna take hand outs from the government she should of sold her ticket so she could have extra money.
@ 115: Wouldn't a family or friend then also try to give them money for such basic necessities for food?? Or, I don't know-- donate them a nice outfit to be able to go on job interviews with? Even if someone gave them money for this trip for them to feel better, talk about short-sighted. Sooo many people work their asses off and struggle with money, never get time to enjoy life--- yet they're not in welfare, but seriously deserve a vacation. Many, many people need to be able to "lift their spirits" somehow-- but aren't able to financially-- so they don't.
Even if you are right, there is no need to be disrespectful... and if the ticket had been previously purchased, she should be working instead of taking time off. Time off is such a luxury for many people who have multiple jobs and maybe even school. I know people who haven't even had ONE full day off... much less a vacation... Also,117 and 113 made some excellent points.
128, thank you. There have been many times my mom could have gone to banquets or nice events that required to take time off or buy a ticket to attend but didn't because she had to take care of her family. My mom hasn't had a vacation in a year I think, to help her out I pay for my own college I work two jobs and haven't had a day off from both classes and work in 2 months. There's no excuse that someone is applying for government assistance and they get to enjoy the luxuries that people who work so hard never get to enjoy. I'm sorry, I can't be happy for someone like that.
Pisses me off too.. Like the trash that went out and bought Gucci purses and big screens or went to the casino with their FEMA checks... Nothing more than leeches on society!!
I recently graduated university, and for the first time I have a job where I pay a considerable amount of taxes. I hate that so many of my tax dollars are wasted or misspent. I pay more in taxes than I do for rent, food and utilities combined.
I do hate the people that abuse the system. Since they abuse it, my son and I are suffering. I've been applying for help the past 5 months and nothing. I couldn't even get unemployment. So I'm blessed the church has provided food for my son because without that I would have lost my son.
to the people whining about your taxes dumb asses they would still take them so not like its saving you money if they get rid of welfare so stfu
I'd rather pay the same amount in taxes and have it go to a legitimate cause rather than pay for someone lazy to go on vacation. (and by "legitimate cause," I'm including people on welfare who actually do need it.)
So you're saying taxes would be the same without welfare? You're an idiot. If they government spent less they'd tax less. I get hardly anything for my tax dollars.
119- Why are you so angry?? Ohhhh, you must be one of those leeches on welfare. I hope none of the comments from us hard working, honest people have offended you too much. Think of it as constructive criticism and NOT personal attacks. :)
And this is what's wrong with our government and their programs

Gota love people abusing the welfare system...
And she is applying for welfare?! I hate that some people are working hard to make a living for themselves in these tough times, while others are flying under the ******* radar, and cheating the system. I hope she gets turned down.