By getajob - 28/09/2012 17:40 - United States - Carmel

Today, while working security at a welfare office, I had to listen as a claimant gushed about her upcoming Caribbean cruise. I work two jobs and haven't had a vacation since 2006. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 495
You deserved it 2 064

Same thing different taste

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NoraT_fml 6

Gota love people abusing the welfare system...

And she is applying for welfare?! I hate that some people are working hard to make a living for themselves in these tough times, while others are flying under the ******* radar, and cheating the system. I hope she gets turned down.


I had to apply for Medicaid when I was pregnant with my son, and I felt so ashamed of it, because I was still working three jobs, but didn't have insurance, while the ghetto bitch ahead of me in line parked her Benz, carried a Coach bag, and had on a pair of those hideous Uggs. **** abusers. Some people need welfare, and some people are just lazy assholes.

She should have been denied or at least her claim should have been delayed

Damn, i feel for u... Should be the other way around

My mom used to be on food stamps (my dad left her and us 3 kids after several years of marriage for some younger woman) and I'd always get weird looks when I helped her with grocery shopping by carrying bags n such...this was when I was 16 and I had saved up my own cash to buy myself an iPhone...when myself and my brother both moved to college, my mom was able to remove herself from the food stamp/EBT program and even managed to donate to the local food shelf every month...we barely got by in my early teens but I was always proud to say that I volunteered half my after-school paychecks (even tho she refused to take the money I earned, she said it was mine not the family's) but even though we had access to the EBT benifits, we very rarely actually used them (I think we got maybe $50-75 a month and never used all of it)....I'm happy to say tht now, at 21 years old, I'm saving money again to send my mom and sister on a vacation because my mom deserves it

city jails normally pay better than security work. You should try it!