By Anonymous - 12/11/2013 23:56 - United States - Westminster

Today, working as a cashier, I had a customer come through and ask to purchase a bag of ice. I asked, "Eight pound or twenty pound?", referring to the clearly marked weight of the bags. He replied, "What's the difference?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 302
You deserved it 3 269

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe the customer meant the difference in price?

Hopefully you responded with the answer 12 pounds.


kyu_Q 19

It just seems like with the increase in technology people lose more common sense ......or the concepts of elementary math and grammar as in this case. Fly OP

Ah, the "joys" of retail. You have to stand behind a till (or cash register, if you prefer) and serve hundreds of people, internally shuddering at the notion that their collective IQ probably doesn't even reach 100.

Get off your high horse. I'm sure YOU go shopping at grocery stores, too. Unless you're too high and mighty for that as well.

rlTlk 13

#26 unless you've worked as a cashier or waitress dealing with the public maybe you should get of your own high horse.

Obviously he meant the price difference. How exactly is YOUR life ****** because of this?

I had somebody ask me once if the 10lb bags of ice we sell can be used as dry ice and it was just like ??¿??¿?¿? are you serious?

CrazyGirlfriend 21

I once had someone ask if "a ounce was more then an pound". I shit you not. I work on a college campus.

Rainhawk94 27

I've had people ask me if we accept cash.

ThatFancyPenn 18

Some places actually don't so that's a valid question.

spiritfang11237 16

I was at McDonalds when someone asked me where he was. I responded with, "McDonalds Sir." Another time I was asked if the Iced Coffee had coffee in it....

SkyGuy32 17

#46 I'd forgive that easily if they used metric measurements and had not been native to America.

Keattles 14

I know some places use pounds as their currency, so depending on where they are from, they could have got confused since they are new or visiting.

Imchacon22 .... First comment... Totally correct..... No More need for comments;)

What's the difference!!! Ice is ice. Philosophic as ****.