Totally? Really?

By honk honk, fuckwad - 06/11/2015 22:39 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I had a dream where I was giving Justin Bieber a blowjob. I'm a totally straight male. I have half a mind to bill the little bastard for therapy sessions. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 969
You deserved it 6 006

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This whole FML leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

At least you didn't wake up next to him


Fragile masculinity in its natural habitat.

You could of been sucking on his fingers and it still would of been considered a ********. (Joke being justin bieber is a HUGE dick)

Thank you, English isn't my first language. But why do you feel like comments like that are necessary anyway? I'm not submitting an English paper it's just a silly comment.

CallMeWindSock 24

It's most likely because very many people make the same mistake you did. It's just annoying to see over and over again. Like idiots.

At least it wasn't really happening OP, regardless FYL.

The big question though!! Did you swallow or spit?

Sathane 21

Holy shit dude! how long did you spend on this FML to be able to post so many comments?

randomman55555 11

Also I hope u didn't suck to hard or you might suck his brains out

truckers_wife 23

don't worry about it, op. it was just a dream, people dream about the craziest things all the time. it can mean anything, look up key words in a dream dictionary like "gay sex" or "celebrity", I'm sure you'll find a lot of different meanings.

Mysterious_one 26

I'm pretty sure this is one fml that you should keep to yourself. haha I'd take it to the grave