Tough guy

By Anonymous - 14/08/2013 04:26 - United States - Austin

Today, my 12-year-old son was shot in the foot. After hours of not talking, including to the police, he finally told us that his friend accidentally shot him with his dad's gun, and that he didn't want to say anything because he didn't want to "lose any street cred by snitching." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 009
You deserved it 6 751

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He is going down a very bad and dark path. You need to have a serious talk to him and cut this bullshit out fast.

michaelaranda 28

The perils of raising a wannabe suburban gangster.


sinn3r76 9

That's right keep it gangster, now forget about a college fund you're going to need a lawyer fund

What...the actual **** is going on with kids.

cho_bee 9

We need to trade Texas to Mexico for either cash and/or a country to be named later. Then pick up Canada off the waiver's wire.

It's 2013 who cares about street cred? It's all about sweg doods

Troisaules 7

He's 12 and got shot in the foot , how much ' street cred' could he possibly have ?

If I was old enough to have a 12 year old son and he said that, the kid would have gotten back handed. The sad part of this is that some parents find it ok for their kids to talk like that and I am 15 and find it ridiculous.

XxQuartersxX 14

Your son is 12 years old and wants to talk about "street cred?" Bring that kid to 7 Mile and Joy Road in Detroit, Michigan. See if he wants ANYTHING to do with "street cred" after that.

The whole dark path thing is bothering me. Is it not possible that they were fooling around with a gun (sounds stupid, yes) and it happened by accident while playing gangster or something? The street cred part is just part of their game? I mean they are twelve, not seventeen.