Tough guy

By Anonymous - 14/08/2013 04:26 - United States - Austin

Today, my 12-year-old son was shot in the foot. After hours of not talking, including to the police, he finally told us that his friend accidentally shot him with his dad's gun, and that he didn't want to say anything because he didn't want to "lose any street cred by snitching." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 007
You deserved it 6 750

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He is going down a very bad and dark path. You need to have a serious talk to him and cut this bullshit out fast.

michaelaranda 28

The perils of raising a wannabe suburban gangster.


My best friend's little brother was shot by his "friend,", and they were 13 and 14 years old. The shooter got a slap on the wrist while the victim was murdered. The kid pulled a shotgun on him and pulled the trigger "to see if it worked." His parents had given him a shotgun with shells (and access to them) for his 13th birthday, "because he wanted it." They were off at the bar getting drunk the night this happened. And no, I'm not making this up; it's 100% true. So I ask, why the hell does a 12-year-old have a gun? Why does any teenager have a gun? I don't care if they want one; they are not of mature, sound mind to use them, not even for hunting. OP, get your son out of whatever mess he's in, report the kid to the cops, and pray he gets tried as an adult because he was fully aware of what he was doing. Just because they're teens doesn't mean they don't know how to use a weapon, and therefore it doesn't mean they shouldn't be tried as an adult. And while we're at it, get our yson some help.

They won't help their son, they have already given him bad pathways, if he was a good kid he wouldn't have got himself in that situation if he didn't meet bad friends in the first place. Yolo but poor parenting! I feel sorry for the little boy to have such dumb irresponsible parents like that. HE IS ONLY TWELVE!

XxQuartersxX 14

He wouldnt be tried as an adult unless he was at least 17.

MissesVakarian 6

Does your son's name happen to be Riley Freeman?

dianafuentes 17

show him where thugs end up in life!

Remember that episode of family guy... Teehee

circlelranch69 1

Good for him,, hire a lawyer now cause your gonna need it. Also hide all your shit

Way to raises a wanna be thug. God damn parents nowadays need to wake up and actually parent their children.