
By prostate - 08/06/2009 13:48 - United States

Today, I got prostate examination for the first time. Now I can't decide what's worse, the fact that I got a boner when the doctor inserted his finger, or the fact that my wife told the story to pretty much everybody we know. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 420
You deserved it 7 058

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Brolin 4

Don't worry about the boner too much, lots of guys like the feeling of having their prostate's really pretty normal, most just are too worried cause they think it means they're gay or something

Not **** you life. **** your wife. She's a bitch. ( By the way, I mean not like "have sex with her." I mean like, "dude, screw her."


bty245 0

YDI, some things you just shouldn't tell anyone, not even your spouse.

christopherlove 0

Your prostate is connected to your penis at the other end (your penis doesn't stop where it meets your body). The prostate is the male's G-spot and will cause ejaculation if stimulated enough without anything having to touch your penis. Many straight men enjoy anal play on a regular basis. Still, your wife owes you a big sloppy *******.

Ugh maybe it shoudl be Today, I found out I am highly judgemental are are concerned what everyone thinks of me, FML. Who cares what they think?

DarkMirror 0

"I had a realization today; 50,000 gay men can't be wrong!"

kellster 2

Hey, there's no shame in the boner part! Most men respond that way to someone/something touching their prostates! It wasn't about who was doing it; it's just a natural response on the part of your body. Yay for having discovered a potentially new fun zone! What sucks is that your wife is such an immature, insensitive person. Why would she tell people???? That's so rude! That kind of thing should have been kept private between the two of you. Obviously she's uncomfortable with the fact that you got aroused. A more mature person would run with it and find ways to work that into your own sex lives, not be embarrassing you in front of your mutual friends. That's the part that really sucks, and I'm sorry!

Yes #17 #3, work on it. "**** your wife... ( By the way, I mean not like "have sex with her." I mean like, "dude, screw her."" I mean like, "give it to her good." No wait, "give her a screaming ******." Damnit, that's not it either.

Was the doctor a guy or a girl because if it was a girl than that's ok but if it was a guy then. . .

icantevenhandle 0

#27-Ha great Family Guy reference! Oh and you're wife is a bitch. If she knew anything about how men's bodies work she would have know that what happened was a natural response. You should bitch slap her and lay the law down.