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Tour van aroma

By Anonymous - 30/12/2014 04:17 - United States - Richardson

Today, our band had a road trip. Two people chose to stack themselves on top of each other to share a seat rather than sit in the last seat next to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 021
You deserved it 3 293

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thinkitthrough 23

Sounds like you have room for your stuff and you can even relax and be comfortable :)


Thinkitthrough 23

Sounds like you have room for your stuff and you can even relax and be comfortable :)

Yeah this is definitely a win. At first I thought they squeezed in next to him. Being claustrophobic, that would be FML for me!

Stephencharis 14

ask him if he actually has friends in the band...

Mf2307 15

maybe those two were in a relationship so they didnt want to sit apart depending on how the seats were

I'm thinking that those two people were friends and wanted to sit together, but the last seat next to op was too far, so they decided to stack on top of each other so they could still talk to each other. Anyways, I hope that was the real reason, fyl op.

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xninix_fml 36

To me it just sounds like his classmates.

xninix_fml 36

Ran out of time to edit here's what I meant to say: To me it sounds like they were just his classmates, still sucks for him though because nobody wanted to sit next to him. I'm sorry op :(

xninix_fml 36

@52 I feel bad for my comments now :(

Don't feel too bad OP, perhaps they were just "weird" for each other? Always the way back trip. :).

I don't think it's that kind of band ...

juststephhere 23

Yeah I feel like it's more of the huge instrumental bands. A lot of those are in schools too. So it might be that.

Every other seat was taken? In that case, I'm sorry to hear that, OP.

Maybe they wanted to be closer to each other and it has nothing to do with you.

xninix_fml 36

Yeah op think positive maybe they were a couple :)

Llama_Face89 33

Or maybe OP just has really bad BO.

man_in_black08 28

"This one time at band camp..."