True love waits

By Acolyte of the Bacon God - 15/02/2013 19:50 - United States - Fort Myers

Today, my girlfriend finally said that she finally felt ready to have sex with me. It ended up being so terrible that I only managed to get some pleasure out of it when my mind drifted to the thought of going to Olive Garden later and eating some of their breadsticks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 180
You deserved it 10 420

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Perhaps, since she 'finally' agreed to it, she just wasn't ready? Or, perhaps your performance was also uninspiring to her.

So you fantasized about eating sticks? Are you sure you didn't enjoy it for another reason?


Love it when people expect it to be awesome the first time you have sex with someone. That's not always the case!

Maybe because you "finally" got her to agree to it- quit pressuring her into it ya bastard. You wouldn't have to get her to agree if she actually wanted it. Maybe you're just not that damn good.

Sounds more like she initiated. OP didn't put "Finally agreed", the gf said she "was ready". Read better.

all that anticipation. just for a huge letdown, hate when that happens!

What do you mean by terrible? As in she was lousy in bed, or it hurt her, or the positon was wrong, or what? If she was lousy in bed, it was probably her first time or that she was nervous... give it some time.

bootytoo 14

I feel bad for your girlfriend sound s like she might not even have been ready.

VampTat 10

First of all, you only need to use the word "finally" once. Examples: "Today, my girlfriend finally said that she felt ready to have sex with me." OR "Today, my girlfriend said that she felt ready to finally have sex with me." Second, I'm assuming that your girlfriend was a virgin before having sex with you? But even if it wasn't, having sex with someone you haven't had sex with before is always going to be a little awkward the first time. Keep in mind, that communication is a big key to good sex too... But regardless, you're a scumbag if you honestly expected "good sex" from her after pressuring her into having sex to begin with... Just because you are her boyfriend does not make her ****** your property. She can decide whether or not she's okay with you putting your penis in it, and if you couldn't deal with that, then you should have just moved on.

smokeyKane69 4

Holy **** leaving a comment is not the same as writing a ******* novel. A couple sentences will do....

tehdarkness 21

That's totally normal even if the sex is great!

If I were you, I'd be more worried about the fact that you were stimulated by the thought of putting long objects into your mouth.

scott82 5

Havin sex with fat ugly chicks, never a good thing