By androgynous - 30/03/2009 17:44 - United States

Today, I was going through airport security. As my bags were being scanned, I was told that I was selected for extra searching. Right as the security guard was about to frisk me, he froze up and asked me, "You're a male, right?" I am, and I used to think that it was obvious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 568
You deserved it 4 757

Same thing different taste


vt_mruhlin 0

#11, "beards pretty much make it indistinguishable". Tell that to my 7th grade English teacher...

Dichoscillation 0

Not so sure I want to know what that means, #31. If I grew a beard, I'd be clearly a guy. But there are a couple problems. 1) my facial hair grows so slowly I only need to shave once a month or so, so it'd take forever. 2) I'd look WEIRD with a beard. 3) Why would I want to be one gender, when I can be both?

TheNameless_fml 0

Sometimes, even if you think it's obvious, it isn't always in this day and age. He was probably just covering his own ass and I wouldn't take it personally.

firefalcon 0

You should have to alter your appearance to conform to a gender stereotype. :/ But yeah, this really isn't a FML in my opinion. Might suck for you, sure, but it's not the end of the world. Transgender people get the wrong pronouns all the time AND beat to shit for it... be lucky it was just a guard frisking you and not some skinhead trying to stab you in the skull for being a 'fag'. Oi.

Dichoscillation 0

It's true, that does happen sometimes, but you learn to deal with homophobes. Give them the finger and walk away; if they follow you, beat the shit out of them and then walk away. Nice and simple.

LameKara 0

It sounds like he's probably asking out of one too many experiences with NOT asking, it's probably more him being gun-shy than you looking too feminine. These days surgeries can blur the line, and even the most definite cases can be surprises, I wouldn't take it TOO seriously. ;) Not that it still doesn't suck, sorry!

ohreally123 0

well I have a feeling he had a recent incident where the answer was not yes and he got a talking to.

They are required to ask that. Have you seen the Family Guy episode where Peter punches that "man" at a softball game? That could happen if they dont ask.

You know technology is advancing right? Drugs are available and you could be a girl.

yeahreally 6

lmfao...#6 for ftw..but seriously what kind of question is that?