By rufusthepenis - 02/10/2011 22:57 - United Kingdom

By rufusthepenis - 02/10/2011 22:57 - United Kingdom
By sunboy52 - 05/05/2009 07:43 - United States
By Geez - 19/10/2009 17:02 - Netherlands
By leogs23 - 03/06/2021 06:01
By buckerooo - 03/12/2019 20:00
By JackOLantern2099 - 17/12/2019 18:00
By anon - 21/12/2013 14:13 - United States - Lehigh Acres
By whatswrongwithit?:( - 30/09/2012 19:37 - United States - Chicago
By Anonymous - 07/06/2013 07:10 - United States - Marion
By anonymous - 24/02/2010 05:05 - United States
By sn-511 - 01/03/2013 22:54 - Italy - Naples
Your life sucks.. Mainly because your penis looks like a naked mole rat. Hahaha
Her ****** probably looks like Harry the Hairy Hog.
So, I guess if you're fapping, it would look like animal abuse?
My boyfriends looks like one too, when it's small and flaccid. Twice the size when erect tho so it's ok to have a giggle about it. OP don't be so insecure about your package, it's not the be-all and end-all.
Arnt naked mole rats known for "tunneling"? Don't mess with nature, I suppose...
12- PETA has already tried to rescue Rufus on several occasions. Each time, Rufus would quickly burrow back into OP's jeans before they could salvage him.
Have Rufus tunnel into her ass before making her deep throat Rufus.
I'm surprised at the amount of people who know Kim possible on this post I expected a few "who's Rufus"
Why did he have a male chicken in his pants? Pols some one explain!
42. Wtf.
Gerbils up the ass!
WTF. This was my post you dick
Pics or it didn't happen! :P
So, does it look like a naked mole rat? I mean, she showed you a bunch of pictures after she said that, so you've gotta know if she was right or not. Inquiring minds want to know!
rufus kinda looks like a penis so ur clear his teeth looks like **** drippin out
Atleast Rufus isn't exactly small haha
If she laughs at your penis , she's too young for you bro .
Would you rather have a bf with a smaller but normal dick, or a bf with a bigger ugly misshapen one?
you should of said "all the better too nibble on your pussy with" lmfao!!!!!!
At least she didn't say that it looked like an inch worm.
Only when I lived in Antarctica. "I swear it's shrinkage!"
Shrinkage is no laughing matter. It happens to even the biggest of us, leaving us looking 'average'.
As you can see here, Rufus has a very shrivelled back, like your dick, and Rufus has a small tail, like your dick.
His dick has a tail? I'd be curious to see what that looks like.
I'm thinking rounded head, pink and hairless. Not really bad traits if you ask me. Oh and the girls already mentioned size.(:
That's why you only ever go balls deep!
How is that "Possible". Awe.... Rufus is cute.(:
I see what you did there...
How punny of you
Tell her Rufus is excited and wants to make a home inside of her.
Haha that's terrible. Lol
That sounds so boring that I would have gone from Rufus the Mighty Purple Naked Mole Rat With Throbbing Veins of Pleasure to Rufus the Sad Mushroom in a Lump of Soggy Oatmeal. I haven't heard about such a mood-killer since I was ******* this girl and, right in the middle of it, she starts trying to sell me Amway products.
It's Peter Griffin y'all.
Atleast Rufus isn't exactly small haha
Your life sucks.. Mainly because your penis looks like a naked mole rat. Hahaha