Ugly truth

By uglywoman - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, my six year-old told me I have a big nose. When I told her that she hurt my feelings, she laughed and said, "Don't be silly mummy, ugly people don't have feelings." FML
I agree, your life sucks 129 949
You deserved it 17 680

Top comments


six and already a bitch, PARENTING FAIL!

yourWIFEandKIDS 0

my four year old cousin and her two year old brother kept on telling me I had a fat 'stomach' but it turned out that they were talking about my breasts. maybe it was a case of mistaken words? or something along those lines?

well after looking at your pic it does seem you have a fat stomach.. by the by I'm not mixing up my words

how in the world would you know which one I am?

Ignore the assholes obviously have big boobies which makes you good in my book!!;)

mollis 0

I dont think you should punish her. I mean I said stupid things when I was little too, we all do. I called my dad squash-head from veggie tails. so just forget it ever happened.

White_Fury 0

Good idea 17! If you don't like what people say, just punch them in the mouth. I'm sure CPS will be your child's best friend someday when you are deemed an unfit parent!

Smack her! She's your child, teach her not to be evil!

rachenator_7 0

I need to teach her that saying things like that aren't nice!

now you have to teach her that even ugly people have feelings...

yeah, you would know from personal experience! owned!!!

LittleMonsterSam 5
bigphill1333 0

hey #112, which one am I? that's right you don't know. bet you wouldn't say it to my face so **** off.

You are bitching already, 156. In case you haven't realized.

156 - I don't see a picture with two people in it. Is it possible you changed it due to certain comments?

nope. I'm not going to change myself for other people who are probley just 40 year old virgens. I just found a better picture. don't believe me? go get ******. I couldn't really care less....

Haha, thanks Kay. This is what happens when I point something out and they don't like it. Fin - You changed your picture after someone made a comment on it. Coincidence? I think not. Edit: How does going to get ****** mean I will believe you? Haha... logic, kids.

I have read Fmls for a long tome and jut recently started commenting, ad I jut noticed that the numbers and letters in steffs name was Steff. just saying. And I think it's funny when people who always make comments on other people's pictures get really mad when someone says something about theirs.

bigphill1333 0

#204 your only a pity **** by some desperate guy.