Ugly truth

By uglywoman - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, my six year-old told me I have a big nose. When I told her that she hurt my feelings, she laughed and said, "Don't be silly mummy, ugly people don't have feelings." FML
I agree, your life sucks 129 949
You deserved it 17 680

Top comments


umm, I'm going to say this is a fake profile picture, just cause someone else has the exact same one except the bikinis are a tad different:P

Give her a really hideous haircut, then tell her she doesn't have feelings anymore.

And some dorkmeister-style clothing. Then tell her since you don't have feelings, you can't possibly love her, and you don't give a damn about getting her any Christmas presents. If all that doesn't work, just beat the shit out of her. Sorry. I hate evil kids.

0opsie 6

Your first comment was funny; but that second part is just cruel, man.

Shaggy_92 5
onlywhenyourdrea 0

Trust me, I feel your pain. I know it sucks. :(

RedPillSucks 31

Then she can say "Thank God I didn't inherit your ugly face"

toohonest4some 2