Uh oh

By Anonymous - 18/11/2018 22:00

Today, I needed some contact lens solution, so I left my room to look in my sister's room to see if she had any. I walked in to see my mom sucking my dad off on her bed. They didn't see me so I walked away, but the image is engraved in my mind forever now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 181
You deserved it 511

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hopefully the image is blurry if you weren't wearing contacts?

Do you let your sister know what goes on on her bed?


While you’re raiding your sister’s supplies, see if she has any brain bleach.

Watch your language? Do you kiss your mom with that mouth? Are you ever going to kiss her again?

Paul B. Gyurcsanszky 14

Always knock first! Also, imagine what your parents do in your bed. I bet it gets real kinky.

Mungolikecandy 19

If he wasn't hanging from the ceiling in a harness then I do not know what you are complaining about. Vanilla.

Wow doing it in your sisters bed is really disturbing. I'd even prefer them doing it in the living room or kitchen, but in your kid's bed? Srsly?

Squidgegg 4

Ew, your parents are nasty. Doing that in your sister's room? What kind of parents engage in sex acts in their child's room?

It's supposed to be disrespectful to do things like that in your parents' room/bed. I think that also applies to parents doing that in their kids' room/bed. Seems to be a double standard here.