
By ToobyFrank - 06/03/2009 17:51 - United States

Today, my mother told me she didn't want my girlfriend spending the night anymore. I asked why, she said she heard us doing the nasty the night before and I denied it, hoping I could call her bluff. She paused for a moment and moaned EXACTLY like my girlfriend does. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 174
You deserved it 68 757

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You still live at home with your mother, and you're sexing up girls all night while she's within earshot? You fool, YDI

lmfao, every time you hear your gf moan, you will think of your mother. score 1 for mom


I agree completely with # 9. If you aren't old enough to have your own house, then you shouldn't be having sex. No sympathy, and if you were my son, I would've done much worse.

On the bright side, you get your girlfriend to moan!

justjayit 0

You're the one having sex with your girlfriend with your mom around. How awkward do you think it is for HER?

Ahendr083 0

hahaha omg, your mom is hilarious

My_Little_Pony 0

The crazy thing is I can also moan like your girlfriend/mom.

Never lie to a parent who's a smart ass.

Your mom must've been actively listening to get your gf's moan so perfectly imitated. Basically, your mom gets off to your sex noises. Sucks for you man but I'm right turned on right now.

Damn, that must have been awkward for you to listen to your mom moaning like that D: On another note, your mom is freakin hilarious xD

Tucatz 0

If you're old enough to have sex you're old enough to rent a motel room or have your own place. Banging in your parents' house loudly enough for them to hear is just plain rude. Props to your mom. I like her already.

Actually, in the US, you have to be 21-25 minimum to rent a hotel room in most hotels.

Since when is there an age limit for renting a hotel room? I've been renting hotel rooms since I was 15 for various reasons (none of them sexual) and nobody has ever questioned it.