Unusual method

By Anonymous - 08/06/2009 13:49 - United States

Today, my friend was having a party. It was going good until I got the hiccups really bad, and they wouldn't go away. My friend decided to scare them away by shooting a pellet gun right next to my head. Bad news: It blew out my eardrum. I still have the hiccups. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 924
You deserved it 5 168

Same thing different taste

Top comments


helios_rex 0

FAIL! Pellet guns aren't loud AT ALL!

so did you kick your friends ass after that? :P

noteasy_fml 0

No way a pellet gun can blow out your eardum.

cattoe7 0

through a napkin? lol all you have to do is hold your breath as long as you can and drink as much water as you can.. usually works.. or a teaspoon of mustard or sugar.. it works.. its an old trick

jenn22_fml 0

great friend you got there.

Anyone else notice his typo? " untill " , loooool. FYL for having bad grammar

Anyone else notice his typo? " untill " , loooool. FYL for having bad grammar

littlemisslee 0

You apparently need better friends.

Monstarred 7

There is a trick to cure hiccups that works for me every time :] It takes about 30 seconds. Suck in air through your mouth. Then swallow [ DONT LET OUT AIR] Then take in more air, and Swallow [ STILL KEEPING AIR] Its going to get harder and harder to suck in, but you have to do it one more time. Suck in air, and swallow. Then slowly let out all your air. And Wahlah! Hiccups cured