Up your game

By Anonymous - 06/05/2009 15:07 - United States

Today, I was giving my friend sex advice when she asked me when was the last time for me. Not only did I lie but I realized that it was in November and the time before that was June. I have had sex less times this year than she has this week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 575
You deserved it 12 086

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fretforyerlatte 0

i guess you're not in much of a position to give her advice then, huh? unless you used to get it on all the time or something.

Why did you lie? And what makes you a sex guru?


angieo23 0

How is this an FML? Are you sexually frustrated or are you just worried that you look like a loser? If you're worried that you look like a loser, grow up.

WOW. big deal. you didn't have sex for long. get a *****, a vibrator, whatever. don't brag about not being a *****. if you want to be a ***** and get laid that bad, it ain't that hard. gigolos. men in clubs.

agree with #3 how is that a bad thing?! you should get friends that aren't ***** so you wouldn't post stupid FMLs like this..

cyxx 0

Wow, so you're not a ***** and you haven't had a serious boyfriend in a while. Congrats, that's not an FML.

Giving friends good advice is cool. But i dont see why this is FML, because if u girls are unmarried then that means she's a *****. You really want to be like her? Think about it...

qwep 0

Don't worry, this isn't a bad thing. Your just not into sex as much as your friend or you just haven't found the perfect person. But your friend isn't necessarily a ***** either. Maybe she really is starting to get serious with her boyfriend. Sex doesn't necessarily make you cool, or a ****. You shouldn't have lied to her.

ManganeseDream 0

Don't give illegit advice. You probably ruined her streak.

poobear 0

this definitely is a bad thing... you had sex twice this year? thats just depressing. maybe hit the gym and a salon? either way stop giving people sex advice youre clearly not good at it

Dry spells come and go. Don't sweat it.