Vanilla Ice

By NotInterested - 23/08/2013 06:23 - United States

Today, I was walking home when I made eye contact with some guy, just being friendly. He then started rapping at me while pointing at his dick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 095
You deserved it 4 639

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Classy. He may have talent.. And several restraining orders. Take it as a compliment!

Wizardo 33

If I've learnt anything from Pokémon its that you don't make eye contact with people, you just get into unwanted battles... in this case unwanted rap battles.


ViviMage 39

Rapper, meet Peppa Sprai. Kthanxbi! Wow, what a dingdong.....

And, that ladies and gents, is one of methods you should not try to use to pick up girls.

SavannahSunshine 26

How could you not have loved that??? I would totally be uncomfortable at first but eventually start laughing haha I wonder if he was like "flirting" or was just awesome

Cadillac4427 8

hmmmm.... I thought rapping and pointing at your dick went together

This is the most ******* hilarious FML I've seen in a long time

Went somethin like 'GIRL, I know you WANT DIS DEH', right?

Was it the dick in the box song?!?!?! Lol