Wait til she hears about the white supremacy behind it!

By published_anthropologist - 23/07/2009 06:13 - United States

Today, my girlfriend of eight years explained to me that the Egyptian pyramids were built by aliens from Mars. I have a B.S. in Biology and an M.S. in Anthropology, and I'm working on my Ph.D. She thinks I'm an irrational idiot for telling her she's wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 101
You deserved it 10 180

Same thing different taste

Top comments

takemedown 0

Why would ANYONE think the pyramids were built by aliens from Mars?

I have a feeling your girlfriend has been watching too much Stargate..


LeCorsaire_fml 0

who cares who built the pyramids? what a nerd!

Unfortunately, a lot of otherwise rational people have peculiar idees fixes. The irritating thing this their certainty is only matched by their ignorance of science, history, basic logic and probability, which makes it impossible to have any sort of rational discussion about their particular beliefs

Geez, when is that girl finally going to figure out that anyone with a college degree is going to be win any argument with someone lacking one. Even if they were discussing criminal psychology his word would still be more valuable because he's got that college degree. Hello! Also, they weren't built by aliens. They were built by the humans who were instructed by aliens from an unknown galaxy. So there. :p (psst - for those dense people out there: the preceding statements were delivered in a joking manner *nod*)

lmfaowww 0

You have a PHD in having a dumbass girlfriend.

Just nod and say of couse sweetie. works everytime.

Jimmy_7777666: you have NO ******* right to call him closed minded and ignorant!! You are just as ******* closed minded if you think he is wrong just because of a single book/documentary!! In fact, you might be even MORE ignorant because OP has multiple sources for his argument!! Another thing, those documentaries are almost always complete bullshit!!!! I have watched half of them and they take the tiniest shit and turning it into a huge ******* argument that makes no sense in relation to the argument. If i believed everything those documentaries have said, then america is run entirely by a secret society that has exsisted for thousands of years, washington dc streets were arrange in worship of the devil, aliens like mexico better than the usa, aliens attack random people driving home from work (which i think was just an excuse because he crashed into another car), etc... I could go on for hours

Leaders_R_Crooks 0

...america IS run by secret societies.

killinmesmalls 0

There was a great little documentary on the national geographic channel about a scientists new theory of how the pyramids were created. It's hard to explain but they made a large ramp connecting to the pyramid and ramps rapping around to the top and they cut out corners to turn the stone on the edges of the pyramid. It still is quite hard to put to words what I watched months ago and try to help you visualize it by using words... But it is always fun to debate with your spouse when you know you are right! There isn't a living thing on mars...people sure are gullible.

I too saw this great program. It was a theory by Jean-Pierre Houdlin. Not only did it make sense, but proved the use of the "notches" leading up the ramp in the great hall. A large ramp was used up to and including the incline of the interior in the great hall. then an interior ramp was used on the apex going up. They had openings on the corners to turn the blocks to continue till the next open air corner. This is because using one largre ramp would require to be at least1.6 kilometers (about a mile) and having an exterior ramp wrapping around it would block the view of progress and alignment. The notches in the great hall was used to get the 9 beams weighing 60+ tons up the ramp. Of course they didn't have the technology we have, it would be absurd to think otherwise. Not having calculators ment they knew math and angles. I took drafting in high school for one semester and you don't need technology. Just a compass and straight edge can do a lot. As for how they were able to make it level, we have all used a bubble level or at least seen one, right? There is no CPU involved to use it. Can we build this today? If we wanted to, but the workmanship and strive for excellence is as common as common sense. And yes I beleive we are not alone in the universe, for it is too vast, but give humans credit where credit is due.

she must have seen transformers revenge of the fallen recently

Mag_The_Chodja 0

Well, sir, it's time to get a new girlfriend. lol First rule in the book: humor your partners because to tell them they're wrong is a losing battle. Don't submit to everything, just...small stuff like this. lol Though, you should probably find someone who isn't so far below you in intelligence and common sense. xD Sucks for you dude, you have my sympathies.