Wardrobe malfunction

By Unknown - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I decided to wear a tight, long-sleeved shirt that showed off my body. As I was trying to roll up my sleeves, I realized how tight the shirt really was. It wouldn't budge past my elbow, and I tugged so hard I ended up punching myself in the eye. I now have a swollen, black and blue eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 791
You deserved it 37 378

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That long sleeve shirt has totally ruined your life. Now you won't be able to go to the prom with Debbie, the hottest girl in school and we all know she'll hook up with Matt. Then you'll turn to a life of drugs and hookers. You'd be surprised how often this happens.

And this is why people need to stop deluding themselves into believing they can fit into a size 2 when they're meant to wear a size 6. Wear what you fit into, not what you WISH you could fit into. You don't want to cut off your circulation, and we don't want to see every tiny bit of pudge on your body.


I don't know why these people assume that tight shirts are only for obese people. I'm a very tiny person and I've done the same thing! Some companies just make their sleeves way to tight and I was pulling my sleeve up and punched myself in the jaw.

Even then, you should try on clothing before you buy it. If you're having trouble with the sleeves, buy a size larger so you can roll the sleeves up easily. Which brings us back to my point about "wear what fits you".

boatkicker 4

I have a shirt that is quite large around me, but has tight sleeves. Was given as a gift, and I occasionally wear it so as not to offend the person who gave it to me. In about a year they'll probably forget and the shirt will find its way to a donation bin somewhere.

I usually wind up punching myself in the chest. Never managed to hit myself in the face doing that, but I imagine it's no more fun.

Some shirts are meant to be oversized, but the manufacturers make the sleeves a little tighter so when you wear it, it's more flattering.

Latin_babe 0

YDI for not using your size xD

Why do you wear long sleeve shirts if you're only going to roll up the sleeves anyway? Sure, you can roll them back down later, but then they'll look rumpled.

i_is_a_tr00l 0

Boo hoo, I wore a tight shirt, and punched myself in the eye. Boo hoo, I've fallen and I can't reach my tissue. Boo hoo. SUCK IT UP, and go die.

Don't worry if your body is that good we won't even see your eyes.

This isn't an FML. You're jacked, and you have a black eye to show off, you must look like a BAMF! Unless you were a chick trying to show off her body...then YDI.

thats what you get for being skanky and trying to show off your "hot bod". *****