Wardrobe malfunction

By Unknown - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I decided to wear a tight, long-sleeved shirt that showed off my body. As I was trying to roll up my sleeves, I realized how tight the shirt really was. It wouldn't budge past my elbow, and I tugged so hard I ended up punching myself in the eye. I now have a swollen, black and blue eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 791
You deserved it 37 378

Same thing different taste

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That long sleeve shirt has totally ruined your life. Now you won't be able to go to the prom with Debbie, the hottest girl in school and we all know she'll hook up with Matt. Then you'll turn to a life of drugs and hookers. You'd be surprised how often this happens.

And this is why people need to stop deluding themselves into believing they can fit into a size 2 when they're meant to wear a size 6. Wear what you fit into, not what you WISH you could fit into. You don't want to cut off your circulation, and we don't want to see every tiny bit of pudge on your body.


January_fml 0

what happened to you would soooo happen to me. im a klutz.

Why is everyone all assuming that the Op is fat.. Im thin and I wear long sleeves,Rolling up the sleeves and the top being tight is all a style,it just so happens this one was a little too tight thats it..

This was dumb. Who cares? It was really...unnecessary... Now you have a black eye...so? If you just got out of jail, you were putting the shirt on to impress your girlfriends parents...after she tried so hard to convince her parents you weren't violent...THAT would be an FML. They were hardly connected.

cryssycakesx3 22

was he in jail for being violent towards himself.

So you tried to show off and failed. I guess pride really does go before fall.

my changing room rule is if I have trouble getting into or out of it, I am not going to buy it.

To everyone questioning the angle: imagine the OP with his/her right arm down and the left hand pulling up the sleeve around the elbow. The fabric is too tight and his/her hand slips while trying to force it upward. The momentum or inertia or whatever it is (IDK shit about physics) causes the left hand to smack into the face. To the OP: this is why stores have dressing rooms to make sure clothes actually FIT before you buy them. You didn't think they were in existence solely for more attractive people to hook up, did you?

why would you want it pulled up past your elbow. you only want it like mid arm.

mirage24_fml 0
PinkPunch 0