By Strainer - 23/05/2015 04:38 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I strained so hard trying to take a crap that I broke a blood vessel in my eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 557
You deserved it 5 996

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How does one simply do that while taking a shit? What the ****.. Stop pushing so damn hard!

Next time play Eye of the Tiger for extra motivation.


How does one simply do that while taking a shit? What the ****.. Stop pushing so damn hard!

IAmzephyr 22

He was probably constipated. Op, I suggest more fiber and/or water in your diet :p

CrassKal 27

There is a major blood vessel in that area of the body, and straining too hard can actually lead to heart attacks or other problems. Basically what I'm saying is, don't force it. If it's not going to happen it's not going to happen.

this guys pic of the cat, to perfect for the subject

Next time play Eye of the Tiger for extra motivation.

Or Don't Stop Believin'. That's my go to when I need some hype.

you had better keep an eye on that shity situation. prepare for the down votes!

Why would you say that if you know you're going to get downvoted?

JohnTheDonJuan 11

Horrible attempt at an overused pun, not mention you can't even spell "shitty"...

Dang. Try drinking more water throughout the day.

You should probably see a doctor if you need to push so hard to take a crap

19990231 29

When it gets to that point, just give up or take a laxative...

What did you had for dinner last night ?

I recommend taking laxatives next time.

sounds like someone needs more fiber.

Did it hurt? Eat more vegetables, OP!