Way too public

By stewiesclone - 11/02/2010 09:09 - United States

Today, I was taking a dump in a public restroom. Minding my own business, I heard somebody go into an adjacent stall. It was dead silent and I don't think he knew I was in there. I thought I heard him scratching his arm or something. I was wrong. He was jacking off. I had to listen to it all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 989
You deserved it 3 062

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ilikeyouuu 0

I would have said, in an uber gay voice, "wanna do me next?!". lmao


Did he do any toe-tapping to get your attention?

Animal_Luvr 0

eww u like listening 2 dudes doing that stuff?? thts just messed up :P

bonesbaby 0

Why did it sound like he was scratching his arm? And most important how did you know he was wackin' it? This is a FHL for jacking off in a public restroom. FYL for taking a shit in a public restroom though.

you should've wiped your ass and thrown the tp over into his stall... or stuck your hand under and ask him to pass you some 

Ajjas013 6

LOL I like the second one better xD

xlostwithoutu 0
The_DOOD 0

Should've tapped your foot, it might have been Senator Larry Craig.

bnizzle 0

Wish I was there. I woulda asked if he needed any help. Or invited him into my stall. haha.