Way too public

By stewiesclone - 11/02/2010 09:09 - United States

Today, I was taking a dump in a public restroom. Minding my own business, I heard somebody go into an adjacent stall. It was dead silent and I don't think he knew I was in there. I thought I heard him scratching his arm or something. I was wrong. He was jacking off. I had to listen to it all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 989
You deserved it 3 062

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ilikeyouuu 0

I would have said, in an uber gay voice, "wanna do me next?!". lmao


u should've gave him the Haiti Airstrike

ilikeyouuu 0

I would have said, in an uber gay voice, "wanna do me next?!". lmao

brannyh 0

Ideas like that tend to backfire, Like if he responded "yes"

You should have sneaked out of your stall quietly, then slammed your body against his stall's door as hard as you could, while screaming as loud as possible. Then run out of the bathroom as he pisses (not jizzes) all over himself.

Bugatti_Veyron 1

so whenever you tried to leave he would run out of the stall, pick you up, and throw you back into your stall? man, that must have sucked, not being able to leave and all!

JrRacer4007 0

And dont forget you get picked up while he has a raging boner! Haha

Why didn't he smell anything? Unless that's what he was using to get off...

Some people can't help but plop in a public toilet - some of us have jobs and aren't exactly kicking around the house all day, available to use our own crapper if we need to. If I have to plop in a public toilet and someone is listening I fart realllly loudly and they always end up leaving super fast. Then it's a win/win because I'm: 1: Pooping with privacy 2:Stinking up a bathroom other than my own at home!!!!