We're bad at this

By Anonymous - 12/08/2014 20:24 - United States - Chandler

Today, I hooked up with a girl at a club, and we had sex. She just lay there like a corpse the whole time. It got so bad, I ended up faking an orgasm and blaming the lack of semen on a botched vasectomy. She actually believed it. What the hell? FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 493
You deserved it 12 058

Same thing different taste

Top comments

everton99 16

At the rate the post was going I truly thought he was going to say "and then I discovered she really was dead. FML"


But you had sex! ! Not all sex will be great sex.

At least you didn't end up as a necrophiliac

Maybe she did that on purpose so she could leave. Then faked believing your story as a add on. But FYL.

soldier084 11

maybe she's use to "bigger" guys

poor girl was probably thinking of England! YDI though. You got that far with her, what was a second or two more to ask her to do something to you that made her feel good? maybe she would've got more into it and you'd have benefited as well.

Men who only have one ******** don't typically ejaculate during an ******, so botched vasectomy is plausible. You just have just jerked off on her face since she didn't seem objectionable.

My younger brother & a neighbor we knew years ago each only have one ********...idk where you got your info from but neither of them have ever had issues with that, as both of them have 2 kids each..can't make babies without ejaculating during sex...unless you are the rare one who's had that problem....I'd say maybe you're lying...lol

One of the many reasons not to hook up with randoms.

My exgirlfriend was like that, and when I asked her what happened she said "nothing what do you mean?" I found out that she did this to everybody and it was jusr her way of enjoying sex. Maybe it's the same here.