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By Flooded - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was looking forward to coming home to a freshly-cooked meal. Coming home to a cowering dog, two inches of water on the floor, and being handed a mop is just as good, I guess. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 569
You deserved it 3 644

Top comments

Kylias 6

No, the dog handed her the mop.

You're a ******* idiot. 1. You didn't even God damn read the gender of the poster. 2. Just because the OP was expecting a meal THIS ONE DAY, you presume that she makes her husband make dinner EVERY DAY. This would be just as dumb the other way round. 3. In fact, YOU are the sexist for *quote* "Why couldnt you come come home expecting to have a wife sitting on the couch drinking a beer and watching the game while you cooked her a meal for once?" This is generalizing. You just said every single guy acts like that. Why? Oh, because the OP was expecting a meal this once. THIS ONCE. You're basically saying that if the woman cooks a meal for the man once, she has sworn a freaking oath to cook for him every God damn day. So, to sum it up, three obvious signs of stupidity in your post: Generalizing, sexism, and hypocrisy. Have a horrible life, idiot.


Reyo 2

haha...bullshit you clean it yourself. I'm goin to popeyes.

cucuto89 0

your a woman, women are supposed to clean and cook, get over it

83-I believe you meant "you're" and go ******* find some respect, I wouldn't be surprised if you never get married, ass.

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murphy22 6

well you never know, she could be the primary breadwinner in the house, meaning maybe her man told her he'd cook for once. dont be such an ass.

You know what's funny/sad though? I'd love to do that - stay home all day, clean a little bit, cook a little bit, not be stuck in an office 9 hours a day. But guys like that twat up there, probably wouldn't really have any of that, in real life once they realized they'd be losing out on income. I would so rather spend all day home in the kitchen or whatever than on my feet or on my butt all day at work. And then spend my husbands money. **** YEEEEEEEEAH!

michael32123 0

silly women, not being home in the kitchen and cleaning like they're supposed to be.

wanna hear a joke? woman rights... wanna hear another joke? y don't girls need a watch? cuz the clock is above the oven. o and for added offence...when u say tht to a girl, they will get offended and start talking. when they talk tell them to shut up and only speak when spoken to I'm not sexiest or anything...I just find those jokes funny

JIY537 0

didn't you leave someone to watch your dog and house

Kylias 6

No, the dog handed her the mop.

Yeah, she got handed a mop. I'm pretty positive it wasn't the dog

cel123456789 0

Who moderates these fml's? This is not even close to being funny.

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moonmask 0

It's a woman posting this... -_-

You're a ******* idiot. 1. You didn't even God damn read the gender of the poster. 2. Just because the OP was expecting a meal THIS ONE DAY, you presume that she makes her husband make dinner EVERY DAY. This would be just as dumb the other way round. 3. In fact, YOU are the sexist for *quote* "Why couldnt you come come home expecting to have a wife sitting on the couch drinking a beer and watching the game while you cooked her a meal for once?" This is generalizing. You just said every single guy acts like that. Why? Oh, because the OP was expecting a meal this once. THIS ONCE. You're basically saying that if the woman cooks a meal for the man once, she has sworn a freaking oath to cook for him every God damn day. So, to sum it up, three obvious signs of stupidity in your post: Generalizing, sexism, and hypocrisy. Have a horrible life, idiot.

I'm hoping that #11 was making fun of the stupid bitches that call sexism at everything.

I'm with #7 -- what the **** went down at your house, OP?

@#11 On 01/07/2010 at 1:38pm - misc - by Flooded (woman) - United States (Texas) by Flooded (woman) - United States (Texas) by Flooded (woman) (woman)

sportsnut 0

YDI for marrying an inbred redneck of a husband...get out of the ******* bible belt where shit like this is allowed and come to a northern state where we treat our women with more respect. Gotta love jesus, god, and their horseshit plan for viewing women as second class citizens

jennLove122 0

men(not all men of course) use the bible as an excuse to treat women like shit. look up "man's law" i totally agree with you. it absolutely horrible