Welcome to retail.

By It's Something - 27/10/2017 13:00 - United States - Toledo

Today, I finally got a new job. Now, instead of dealing with trashy, rude young adults all day, I get to deal with self-entitled, berating old people all day. I'm not sure which is worse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 061
You deserved it 402

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some old people think that they can abuse anyone because they are older and no one will talk back to them. Some middle age people behave worse than the children they are supposed to be taking care of and can cause scenes. Young adults can be immature and do stupid pranks and shenanigans. Kids can be the worst of them all or the best behaving. Basically, the morale of the story is humanity is garbage. Working retail is definitely the number one way to see the worst humanity has to offer.

You were ageist thinking that only young people were assholes — all people are assholes! #AssholeLivesMatter


itsameeeekatrino 5

young people are worse. old people are gonna die soon anyways

There are definitely assholes in every age group, but I think old assholes are the worst of them. They’ve had more time to be stuck in their bad attitudes and there’s less hope for them to change their behavior. I teach high school. At least with the teenagers, I can hope for some kind of change. Plus, with teenagers, you can threaten to call their parents. Can’t do that with old people…

Some old people think that they can abuse anyone because they are older and no one will talk back to them. Some middle age people behave worse than the children they are supposed to be taking care of and can cause scenes. Young adults can be immature and do stupid pranks and shenanigans. Kids can be the worst of them all or the best behaving. Basically, the morale of the story is humanity is garbage. Working retail is definitely the number one way to see the worst humanity has to offer.

You were ageist thinking that only young people were assholes — all people are assholes! #AssholeLivesMatter

BaDumTsss_fml 23

Definitely the self entitled ***** going on about how millenials are ruining everything