What's on your mind?

By Anonymous - 13/06/2014 22:06 - Australia - Melbourne

Today, at my mother's open-casket funeral, my sister-in-law went to pay her respects. As she stood in front of the body, she coughed, muttering "Bitch" in the process. Either nobody else noticed or nobody cared, and she went on her way, noticeably not choked up at all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 404
You deserved it 4 374

Same thing different taste

Top comments

razzledazzle21 23

Your sister-in-law is a bitch. Even if she and your mother had their differences she had no right to be so disrespectful.


What does the Wife of OP have to say about this? It was her Mother-In-Law who died, and her sister who made the comment. You still have it worse off though, OP.

It may have been his brother's wife, it seems more likely that a woman would have a bad relationship with her own mother-in-law than her sisters.

WinterBlue42 22

That is so wrong for so many reasons. Although, that type of thing is becoming more and more common. . Same thing happened at my grandfathers funeral. FYL, OP. Hope karma gets her.

Your mother then reached up and grabbed her muttering "I'm takin you with me... Bitch"

ill_Will23 8

If this were a black family, someone would've put her in her own casket.

I don't understand how OP deserves it.............

What does open casket have to do with this?

It was a detail in their story, and personally I would find it far more offensive to call the deceased mother a bitch right in front of her face. Makes the FML that much more FML worthy, though it already was.

angiee_baybee 15

And you didn't kick her ass because?