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What the…?

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - San Marcos

Today, I had a dream about marrying Hitler. I've had this same dream three times now. My subconscious is starting to scare me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 503
You deserved it 5 329

Top comments


really? I dream of marrying hitler every once and a while too...

LMFAOwned 9

Not entirely weird. Very well possible OP's subconscious is telling her she likes a man in charge and with power. But of course, not the tyranny overlord kind. I hope.

lexi365 20

I have dreams about marrying Stalin. Is that weird?

knoxxx 22

Chances are that Hitler just represents some quality about yourself that your subconscious feels you have gained or become "married to". Not at all weird in the grand scheme of dreams.

Luckily the NSA can't spy on your dreams, or you would be branded as a traitor!

Is it weird to dream about going down on Eva Braun?

MerrikBarbarian 9

25- my thoughts too. Hitler did horrible things... But it's not uncommon at all for women to be attracted to men like him who have "alpha male" traits. Dominant, controlling, confident, powerful. While we don't tend to think of it consciously our genes are still hard wired to find powerful people attractive- especially if we lack power ourself, or the ability to claim it. People who tend towards being submissive will find an "alpha male" type especially attractive because there is a good bit of truth to opposites attract.

LMFAOwned 9

Very well articulated, sir.

ItsAnanya 25

I bet Jewish those dreams stop. Well if you Eva get over them, let us know! Anne Frankly, we need to stop with the Hitler jokes. They just aren't Reich.

alphatoomega 21

These puns are making me fuhrious.

Jew should have. Some of them are very hitlarious though.

badluckdawson 19

Anne Frankly these jokes are putting me out of mein kampfort zone

We must concentration (camp) harder to focus on the genocide of horrible puns ought we be jewed out of the good ones...

I'm just stalin for time here trying to find an appropriate pun.

154rct 7

I thought it was it was pretty funny, did Jew?

LeonKennedy45 10

These comments are making me feel a bit gassy...

She pretty much summed up the dream in the FML. What else is there to hear?

You're not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree, are you?

cottoncandymango 17
nnnope 26

at least you're not dreaming about being his niece!

Pwn17 25

How exactly would that be worse? Related, but different is better than marrying him.

nnnope 26

8 - he had a relationship with her that involved urinating & defecating on her because that's what he was into. also, I meant to say half-niece. whoops

Pwn17 25

Seriously? Wow, Hitler really is the most ****** up person that ever lived.

Really??? THATS when we put him in the ****** up people zone???

Can we also put the participants and director of Two Girl One Cup in the zone as well?

#10, that sounds like one of those fake headlines from tabloids. I'm not saying it's not true, just that it sounds unlikely.

Wow, that would take me away from Mein Kampfort zone.

Out of all the puns on this page, this one actually made me laugh xD

Well Jew better concentrate on not having those dreams

I think your subconcious is getting a little too Kampf-y with this idea. I'll show myself out.

omgitsmoe 26

Oh, no. Hitler somehow managed to make OP marry him without her consent.

graceinsheepwear 33

If two weren't bad enough, the Third's Reich where I would start to worry.

perdix 29
narkill 13

This needs more likes. Good job.