What the…?

By ohbiebjetaime - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - France

Today, a guy asked for my number at a party. As I was entering my number into his phone, my name and a picture of me popped up. I'm afraid I just met my stalker. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 353
You deserved it 3 355

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aFieryFairytale 2

1-800-Restraining-Order. FYL, indeed.

theneatoburrito 8

You should've just changed all of your information in his phone, and changed your number to a sex hotline. That would freak him out a bit. But FYL, OP.


hjrt 2

If it was an android phone it will pull it off of Facebook. It wasn't him, it was facebook.

Well at least you know he likes you and knows all about you... Why would he ask for your number if he already had it? Sounds stupid to me :(

maybe youre a facebook friend of his cus you can sync contacts from facebook on some phones

Or maybe you are Facebook friends and he uses Facebook on his phone sometimes it autimatically will save people to your contacts

OchoPrime 0

Facebook was tied into his phone. Its a smart phone thing if u ain't got one then u wouldn't understand OP

enjoi200 0

his comments are linked to facebook

I think he's new in the Stalking business.

kaitlinthecutie 0

Some phones do that if it's connected to facebook.. Or something