What the…?

By willywonks - 21/03/2009 05:33 - United States

Today, I went over to surprise my girlfriend of two years with flowers and dinner at her apartment. After I knocked, a handsome young man answered the door. Thinking I had the wrong apartment, I apologized, only to hear my girlfriend's voice call from the background, "Baby, who's there?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 165 281
You deserved it 8 318

Same thing different taste

Top comments


oh damn cheating on you the whole time. im sorry im sure u can do better.

what a bitch. hope you know how many girls wished to have a boyfriend who surprised them like that.


yeah i kind of agree with #18, 2 years and you haven't been over to her place? where you just banging that bitch in the park or something bro. never felt the need in 2 years to check out her crib. c'mon. something's up here.

They really need to add an "I call shenanigans" option beside the "I agree"/"you deserved it" options.

This is another story I believe was cut off before the true end. I'm extremely sorry for you if the woman really was your girlfriend, but the way you describe the guy and cut the story off there makes me think you really were at a different appt and just thought the girl sounded sorta like yours.

sorry to hear that. Just out of curiosity, how come it is the guy opening the door, when it is the girl's apartment?

ifeelasif 0

i know exactly how that feels

wow. i feel sorry for you.. that woman is sucha ****. :

Fuck34 0

If I were you, I'd pull out a nine an bust a cap, grab your sack, and say "what now, ho?!"

theres no excuse for cheating. im sorry man. she's a horrible person for cheating on you, and she's obviously not that smart to let him answer the door. and i know so many girls who would love to have a boyfriend like you, surprising her with flowers and dinner like that. so from what it seems, youre a good catch and im sure you can do better.