What the…?

By willywonks - 21/03/2009 05:33 - United States

Today, I went over to surprise my girlfriend of two years with flowers and dinner at her apartment. After I knocked, a handsome young man answered the door. Thinking I had the wrong apartment, I apologized, only to hear my girlfriend's voice call from the background, "Baby, who's there?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 165 281
You deserved it 8 318

Same thing different taste

Top comments


oh damn cheating on you the whole time. im sorry im sure u can do better.

what a bitch. hope you know how many girls wished to have a boyfriend who surprised them like that.


That's a really crappy way to find out she's cheating on you... I don't know if someone saw your FML and wrote this but when I was moderating I saw this: Today, I had sex with a guy who was not my boyfriend. A little while later, after we had finished, someone knocked at the door so I had my guy friend answer. I asked who was there. It was my boyfriend of two years surprising me with flowers and dinner. FML. If your girlfriend wrote that then it's kinda funny.

Jordn_fml 0

Seems right out of a movie TBH. But if this seriously happened, dump her. And if her live in BF didnt know either, inform him, so he can dump her too. Leave her with nothing.... stupid two timing *****.

I hope you beated the shit outta that guy, and left your gf.

im sorry dude. I dont know what if i would do if this happened to me..besides never talking to her ever again

kellster 2

That's horrible, I'm so sorry!

herheartsuck 0

yeah why the **** don't you know your gf's apt. of 2 years

wotchersarah 0

#25- who calls their cousin "baby?" That sucks. Idg why people cheat.

Hasn't anyone learned not to "surprise" their boyfriend/girlfriend by now? (sorry if someone already posted this, I haven't read any of the comments)