What we do in the shadows

By suspiciouspeople - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I discovered that sitting in the back of your car from 8 to 9 p.m. talking with a friend in a park area is suspicious enough behavior to have cops called on you, then for backup to arrive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 937
You deserved it 5 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments

youaresofucked 0

and you've lived in America for how long now? that is normal for cops, if there isn't a problem bring backup and we'll make it a problem



i don't get it...they wouldn't just call for backup...never heard of anything like this before in my life...you must've looked REALLY suspicious.

I lived in the suburbs and had this happen as well. Cops don't have much to do and so they overreact over small things like this.

you should've started touching eachother so it looked less suss ...if that makes any sense

sarroth 0

Had that happen before, but without the backup. F-ing annoying. I guess I'm supposed to know that a park with a locked gate is closed when the gate is neither closed nor locked.

Yeah, the backup bit can be pretty weird sometimes. About 8 years back I was hiking thru Lousiana and stopped in at this little convenience store just after dark to restock some munchables. I paid for my goods and walked out to see a Sheriff's car parked out front. Didn't think to much of it as I figured they were probably stopping in for a snack. Then I noticed the OTHER two police cars parked just beyond it, all of them empty. As I ponder this I hear a voice behind me. I turn around to find the Sheriff and two deputies standing off to one side looking at me. Now I was in T-shirt and blue jeans at the time, but they weren't ragged or scruffy nor did I look too disreputable IMO. The Sheriff asked me my business and ID, which I told him easily enough, that I was hiking thru a few states and showed him my ID, including military. They begrudgingly said I could go but I never forgot just how near a thing it can be when dealing with any type of authority, especially in isolated areas.

cebl 2

They were probably looking for a fugitive on the run and just needed to check everyone in the area (ID, etc.) It's not like they're going to say, "oh his clothes are clean it's not him"...it's not like it's anything personal.

YoStephy123 0

It has happened to me before, just without the backup. Most parks close at nightfall, so that may be the reason why. Question is, did you run?

thelonelylurker 0

It could just be that the police never truly know what they are getting themselves into when they show up to a call. Is it two people talking or a couple making out? Or is it a parolee that has a gun? I guess this shows that perception is reality...