What we do in the shadows

By suspiciouspeople - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I discovered that sitting in the back of your car from 8 to 9 p.m. talking with a friend in a park area is suspicious enough behavior to have cops called on you, then for backup to arrive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 937
You deserved it 5 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments

youaresofucked 0

and you've lived in America for how long now? that is normal for cops, if there isn't a problem bring backup and we'll make it a problem


And it is very suspicious behavior. I can't believe you people calling them ******* pigs. Most likely a concerned citizen called 911 to report these people were in a public park in the night sitting in the back seat of a car. In case you didn't realize, public parks are a hot spot for illegal drug activity. The police are here to protect you and enforce the laws. Don't come here and bitch about it.

Anyone that calls 911 to report two people sitting in a car is an idiot. That's what the non-emergency number is for. People like that are the reason it takes the cops an hour to show up when you do call 911 - they're too busy responding to dumb shit like this.

Let's say it was a drug activity. Once my sister and her friend were talking like this (except in the front seats like normal people) and a cop went up to the car and questioned them. Turns out, there was recent activities of women being hurt/kidnapped around the park and the cop was checking out to see if my sister was hurt. I hate how people disrespect cops. Yes there are bad officers, but there are bad people no matter the job. Get over it; they are not there to ruin your life. Crap happens sometimes.

dg72592_fml 0

welcome to the suburbs baby... if i wrote an FML about every time this bullshit happened to me i'd clog the whole system :/ they make up lies a lot of the time too to incriminate you, you just have to call their bluff and get the **** out of there as fast as you can

Um... Parks in the US close at night. If you're there after they close, the people who live across from it will probably call the cops on you because they have people who like to smoke pot and do a lot of property damage out there a lot. Just from experience.

nailedit 0

Same thing happened to me, not only did two backup cars come. i also got breathalyzed because my breath smelled funny.

#6, I sincerely doubt that. Try saying that to a Mexican or a Brazilian and they'll probably laugh in your face.

Let me guess. The OP is Black or Latino.

The same thing happened to me, except I was watching a portable DVD player with my girlfriend.

I'm from Texas too and one time I was waiting at a bus stop and it was like right next to this appartment building and this lady kept screaming out of her window she'd call the cops if I didn't leave.... I get what you went through lol :)

Ok bro, sitting in your car in a dark park is suspicious, and being a patrol cop in a suburban neighborhood is boring as hell, so the weren't calling for backup because you were suspicious or they were afraid of you, they were just showing their friends which two jackasses were caught having gay sex in the park tonight.