What we do in the shadows

By suspiciouspeople - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I discovered that sitting in the back of your car from 8 to 9 p.m. talking with a friend in a park area is suspicious enough behavior to have cops called on you, then for backup to arrive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 937
You deserved it 5 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments

youaresofucked 0

and you've lived in America for how long now? that is normal for cops, if there isn't a problem bring backup and we'll make it a problem


captainmaharet 1

The vast majority of public parks are closed between sundown and sunup. Derp. YDI

But the sun doesn't go down until 10 o'clock in Texas this time of the year...

shooter308 0

Don't be pissed at the cops. Be pissed at whoever called them. Who sits in a park after hours in the back seat of a car, and doesn't realize it's not suspicious? I used to do the same thing, but when I got stopped by the po po, I didn't bitch cuz I knew they have a job to do! And btw, most of the time two cops get dispatched to a call (yes even the glorious "city cops". It's not "backup", it's officer safety. One officer is dedicated to interviewing and contacting subjects, and the "cover officer" is there to wAtch over everyone, cuz he can see things the contact officer can't.

BamxBitch 0

Wow, cops are ******* dumbasses.

cebl 2

No they aren't you idiot, they are there to protect you, but just like any job there are good ones and bad ones. But how many times do you hear a news story about a cop who did their job well? Not ******* ever, you only hear about it when they screw up. So stop bitching and be happy you have them.

sunkissdluster 0

That has happened to me. No biggie. That is a bit early to have someone call the cops but usually police officers are friendly and just see if everything is okay. Don't call them dumb just for doing their job.

this totally happened to me not long ago. one cop showed and said it was suspicious, and then he called for back up. then searched my car saying they smelled marijuana when i have never smoked in my life, and took me in.

HumansSuck 0

That happened to my brother. He was sitting in the Jack in the Box parking lot with his friend, eating jack in the box. Then like 3 cops surrounded him.

LadyWallflower 0

If a cop doesn't have someone else with him in the car (sometimes they travel alone) they are required to call for backup before they proceed into a situation. They don't know if you have drugs or guns or a knife. It is suspicious for you to be in the back of a car at a park after dark and they are just doing their job especially if a concerned neighbor called it in. Most of the time they will just ask you to move along and even apologize. They can't not come out and check out the situation. I had cops one time stop and ask what my boyfriend (at the time) and I were doing in a parking lot of an abandoned store. We had gotten caught right before trying to do the nasty and the dude asked "is he hurting you" and i said no so he just told us to move along. Big freakin whoop. At least they didn't drag your ass in for some ridiculous charge.

toosoonbreh 0

#2, where would I find an 18 mile per hour zone? And you may have been trespassing. Next time, talk at home.

jackncokejr 0

yea no shit its suspicious. welcome to real life. not everyone who sits in their car in a parking lot at night is just talking. cops have a right to be suspicious and call for followup whenever they want. how was he supposed to know you were just talking back there. how does he know you're not a heroin dealer with a few grand worth of drugs in your car and a strap in your hand ready to blow his head off.

haha yeah i've had that happen to me too