What we do in the shadows

By suspiciouspeople - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I discovered that sitting in the back of your car from 8 to 9 p.m. talking with a friend in a park area is suspicious enough behavior to have cops called on you, then for backup to arrive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 937
You deserved it 5 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments

youaresofucked 0

and you've lived in America for how long now? that is normal for cops, if there isn't a problem bring backup and we'll make it a problem


primogen18 0

My brother and I were pulled over in a parking lot looking for change in his car, a cup he kept it in spilled into the back seat and beside the seat. A cop pulled in and asked if we were looking for drugs, high, looking for a weapon, even almost let his dog on us (I was holding a couple quarters in the back seat...). Too many cops have HUGE ego problems (example seeing them turn on their lights JUST to go through a red light, then turn them off after the intersection), and it's a shame because it really kills people's perceptions of our supposed justice department, as it rightfully should. I've parked in a park to talk on the phone before, excuse me for not wanting to be an idiot trying to drive on a cell phone, and had a cop ask me what I was doing, its ridiculous when actual crimes could be taking place, or when you need them they take forever to show up or don't come at all. I had an accident due to ice, called the cops several times with NO answer, it took over an hour for any of them to show up. by that time I was freezing and was waiting in the house nearby (who were kind enough to let me in). I was threatened with being charged for leaving the scene of an accident/crime... THANK YOU POLICE!

Conkers 0

Wow. o_0 A disappointment. I just came onto FML to see some of the stories, I moderated all 5 of the ones that were just added. :/

I know exactly what you mean. My friend and I met at a gas station last week, and the police showed up, shone a spotlight on us, and when my friend got out of the truck to go talk to them, he saw a rifle in between the passenger and driver seat.

shooter308 0

What? Who saw the rifle in who's car? Don't get out of your car if you get pulled over unless they tell you too.

My friend saw it in the police's car. It wasn't the normal police, lol. We live near an Indian reservation and we parked in the parking lot where they have a gas station and a bingo hall and whatever, and it was the Indian police. They're ******* crazy! They shone a spotlight then pulled up to our truck so he got out to see what was going on.

shooter308 0

Most cops carry patrol rifles now. After the North Hollywood bank robbery it's a good idea.

haha. that happened to me before. it wouldve been alright but I was with some fat monster broad and I had to say she was my girlfriend. lol. I feel for you man. FYL.

dcstream 0

That is suspicious behavior. How many people sit in the BACK of a car just to talk in the middle of the night? Quit whining and bitching about people who will undoubtedly be there when you need them most, and may very well save your life. I decided not to become an officer just because how unappreciative people are for another person to do their job. They're not psychics, they can't know what really happened. Try living with Russia's police. Instead of a speeding ticket you deserve, you get your ass kicked.

dg72592_fml 0

don't tell me all cops are out there looking to save your life or help you out. the only cops that have ever helped me out are city cops... that's because when city cops see a girl out late at night alone, they will help her out by giving her a ride so she doesn't have to walk around alone. suburban cops on the other hand, will surround her with cars, question her, search her illegally, then upon finding nothing make up a bunch of lies to try and incriminate her, just because she is a teenager and maybe a minority. i'm just speaking from personal experience here...

Kontrast 0

****** pigs, they dont have shit else to do but **** with people.

deliapearl 0

sounds suspicious to me...like terrorism or blackism. either way, it needs to v investigated

yea talking sure. whatever lie you need to tell yourself to keep your innocense