
By Patrick - 23/02/2010 01:29 - United States

Today, I was working at Publix ringing up some 70 year-old woman. She says "Man, you're a fast cashier, I like my men fast!" and then gives me a wink. I got really nervous and didn't know how to respond, so not thinking I quickly said, "Yeah, me too." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 040
You deserved it 7 444

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you got nervous about a 70 year old woman talking to you??

tatertot1127 0

that's kinda funny! but what a creepy old lady!


usuckkkkk 0

some 70 year old woman who you most likely will never see again thinks ur gay. what are the chances that this is going to affect ur life in any way...? ydi for thinking this is worthy of being an fml.

oh, for christ's sake. were you expecting to **** her? it doesn't really matter, does it?

oh my god she was 70 what the **** does it matter????

aleex_babiee 0

I do too haha jokes um could of said your not the first wink back lol!

The same sort of thing happens to me too. I was ringing up an older mans vegetables and he said "what would it cost for you to come to my house and wash my vegetables?"

aimeesea75 16

Well, now she thinks you're gay and she'll leave you alone! :D

A 'thank you' could've saved you. lol