
By InstantHardOn - 08/11/2011 04:43 - United States

Today, my girlfriend has a new obsession: grabbing my junk and whispering in my ear the song, "Baby, Imma Be Your Motivation." Problem? I get an instant boner and she only does it in public, because it's "funny as hell." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 548
You deserved it 8 160

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MwahFMLS 6

Grab her boob and sing nyan cat? Meowmeowmeowmeow


Hahahaha this is hilarious!!! I'll start doing this too XD

hahahaha i do a similar act to my mr. hahaha. Espesh when hes on lunch break :) pooor boys :))

hahahhaha like omg hahahahah i just peed like hahhaa baahahhaha so funny ahahahahhahah like ahahahahahh im like dead right now ahahahahahahhaha so frikin funny ahhahahahah . k pce out .

Oooooo such a tease...GAH I CANT STAND TEASES!!!

pigbilly 0

Tell her to stop if it bothers you. Revenge in a relationship is not a wise idea

Sounds like a good time. I dont see the problem at least your getting a lot of attention.

bella3911 6

I'm gonna start doing that to my boyfriend!

winnloff307 5

Same thing happens to me... And I'll be your man anytime :)