Who's Christina?

By Beantown girl - 31/10/2011 00:58 - United States

Today, I was using my boyfriend's phone to call my mom. A text message arrived from "Christina" that said, "Just put the kids to bed, come over." He swears they're only work buddies, but refuses to tell her he has a girlfriend, to avoid making things weird at work. We've been together two years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 497
You deserved it 5 052

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dump him now, once a cheater, always a cheater

You tell her he has a girlfriend, see what happens


sighawkward 6

You need to tell her he is your boyfriend and stand your ground so she will back off. If anything has been going on between them you should tell "Christina" that you have been dating him anyway and then dump his sorry ass!

LuckyTxMade 0

Damn that's messt up get his phone and txt the "co worker" and make a set up date to see your soon to be ex face expression when he see's both of yah ...then I'm sure he will lose both of yah and make it.... EPIC FAIL!

pie29302930 0

Speak like an damn educated person, not some "boy from da hood yah her." Jesus Christ the county is trying into the stupid capital of the world. Sorry I had to release that anger on you, it's been a long, difficult day. Dog died and my bro got into a car accident. You just happened to be the guy I took it all out on.

pie29302930 0

Hood* not good. Dammit, I just make myself look more and more stupid. Haha :)

Also I'm assuming you meant "country" not "county"

NikkiFlysKites 8

177-Everyone does have problems, but that doesn't mean you just "suck it up". 76-I'm annoyed with the fact that you admitted to taking your anger out on him, but posted the comment anyways. Type it if it releases some of your anger or depression and just erase it afterwards. There's no need to put him down; no matter how terrible it was. 89-It's like a chain. 76 was pointing out 15's lack of "education" and made mistakes that you in turn corrected. However, if you're going to correct someone, point out ALL of their mistakes. Otherwise don't bother, because you're not helping.

Soooo, what they're working on is the question now...

guckylynn 19
juturnaamo 29

What could be weird if they're just work friends? Get rid of him.

leadman1989 15

You had his PHONE you could have either gotten her to say more or said "Hey bitch I don't know if you knew but he had a girlfriend keyword HAD!!"

juturnaamo 29

Why would you be aggressive right off? Not her fault.

leadman1989 15

Trust me I'm a guy and if we have nothing to hide we will go above and beyond to prove to someone we care for that we haven't violated their trust. If it was me I would have INSTANTLY called her and put her on speaker phone to prove my innocence. Maybe she isn't the aggressive type but she still could have let christina know who she was or pretend to text back as the boyfriend and say something that would get more information! Just a suggestion.

LuckyTxMade 0

Obvious he is cheating , why deny your gf? That girl ain't got nothing to be blame about tho (christina)

eastsidesoldier 7

Ha ur gettin played out. Dump his ass

Ya know that's a LIE!! it's time to move on girl!!