
By Nicholasand - 23/11/2009 18:29 - United Kingdom

Today, I woke up in a closet of a four-star hotel, having spent the night drinking. I'm a secondary school teacher and I've been visiting this place on a school trip. My flight left at 4 a.m. this morning and it's now 1 p.m. in the afternoon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 189
You deserved it 61 274

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gsm_fml 0

As a secondary school teacher myself, I would never even touch a drop of alcohol on a school trip - you are ALWAYS "on duty", even after lights out. You deserve it, and you will probably be fired. No sympathy here.

If you were my kids teacher, I'd do everything i could to get your sorry ass fired.


I think you deserved this... Don't over-do your alcohol.

T here is no thinking about it... it was definitely deserved. If you're going to be that stupid and drink yourself like that on a daggone school trip when you have to be on a plane at 4 am then it is their fault and their fault alone. Completely deserved. No sympathy whatsoever.

amazingkate 0

are you kidding? you were taking kids on a school trip and you went out drinking? is this the case, because i don't understand how you could let something like that happen... lordy lord

I agree with you, she deserves it because she's a freaking teacher. . .and says 1 p. m in the afternoon. . . what other kind of 1 pm is there?!?1

dudeitsdanny 9

Secondary school= High school. Are you an American? Because if you are... I can see why they judge us so much...

Secondary can mean middle or high school. It depends on the country. Usually I think it's the same as a high school, though. Anyway... OP are you ******* stupid? You're responsible for students, and you take off on a booze run? Oh yeah, the kids thought you were SO COOL until you got your dumb ass and their poor asses left behind, probably cost the school a lot of money getting tickets for another flight, and then got fired and your reputation as a teacher ruined, thus being out of a job for a good, long while.

I love how everyone goes "Your lieing about your country AMERICAN" I'm sorry, i wasnt aware that no other country can be stupid.

54 it is clearly "high school" as the teacher is from the UK, where "secondary school" means "high school".

So if you were drinking, like an idiot, who was watching the kids? and how did they board their flight?

i have always heard the saying "you dont mix business with pleasure" i think it fits well here.

well thats wat u get for drinking ur ass off

spartan_girl 0

I agree- If you drink so much that you are no longer in control, that's your own problem. do what you want, but don't expect sympathy if you do something stupid while you are that drunk.

did all of the kids miss their flight too because you weren't there to guide them? YDI

If you were my kids teacher, I'd do everything i could to get your sorry ass fired.

if he was my teacher he would b the best teacher ever

gsm_fml 0

As a secondary school teacher myself, I would never even touch a drop of alcohol on a school trip - you are ALWAYS "on duty", even after lights out. You deserve it, and you will probably be fired. No sympathy here.

I agree 100% Recently, a friend of mine was fired from her teaching position because there were photos of her on facebook drinking while on a private vacation. Comparatively, this woman is far worse.

And there goes my comment.... Dear FML staff--please fix the disappearing comments problem. Thank you.

YDI, what are you expecting to get here, comforting words that it wasn't ur fault? You're a secondary school teacher on a school trip and you get drunk. You're plain stupid. No wait, you're even worse than just stupid, you're a complete moron.

coolster56 0

what the hell are you talking about. they don't do flights for anyone under 16 how would anyone travel. I went on a plane in the uk to another place in uk when I was 12

Kylias 6

As opposed to 1 PM in the morning?

usnwife 18

Exactly what I was thinking ... Beside the obvious ydi, there is also the "you're a teacher and still feel that "am in the morning" and "pm in the evening" is correct and/or necessary?!" ydi.