
By Anonymous - 22/03/2009 17:14 - United States

Today, I heard my boyfriend of 3 months talking with his friend, not knowing I could hear them. "Tonight's the night," my boyfriend says. "I'm finally going to tell her I love her!" I got really excited, deciding i loved him too. Then his friend says, "Awesome! But what about Kayla?" I'm Kayla. FML
I agree, your life sucks 258 005
You deserved it 17 755

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Meow34 0

Your boyfriend is a douche, if he loves another girl he shouldn't be with you. I'm sorry, Kayla. You should dump him :|

meetmeinhell 0


zidane312 0

lol 29 you definitely dont have to say love to date someone, that makes no damn sense

Anonymus101 4

#31 or they could have walked out while continuing the conversation. #17 has a point they may have been asking how she would respond. Maybe not a FYL maybe just an innocent mis-communication.

ouuuuuuuuuch what a jerk!! we have the same name btw. but he's a jerk. ouch

So a boyfriend of 3 months just now wants to tell you he loves you, you thought? How is that a boyfriend? o_O

Well Kayla, I say you ask him about it. You're either gona get hurty or find love. If it's the first, then at least you know he's not the right one and you can move on!

i agree with 39 dude that sucks get him....

wowfmlife 0

guys are jerks, you better throw him to the curb

TheNameless_fml 0

Why would you "just decide" that you're in love? Also, that sucks, but hey, best to find out before it's too late, right?

I don't understand you people that are asking how they're boyfriend and girlfriend if they haven't said "I love you" yet. That takes time and does not decide whether you're dating or not. I've been with my boyfriend for two months and we're nowhere near the "I love you" stage but he is still my boyfriend, not just a friend as #29 is trying to say. And #31, I don't know what happened afterwards. That was just the first thing I thought his friend could mean, instead of "Ohmygod, her boyfriend's cheating on her".