
By 8reth72 - 11/06/2009 14:17 - United States

Today, I was helping a couple come up with a name for the baby they just had. I suggested "Joshua" thinking that it was an okay name. All sudden, the room got quiet. Turns out I had forgotten that Joshua was the name of their 3 year-old son who had died a couple months before. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 214
You deserved it 87 098

Same thing different taste

Top comments

taylerrr 0

how do you forget something like that?

CyclonePsycho 1

How do you forget something like that? He *just* died a few months ago, you idiot. YDI.


If they're friends, I'm guessing the OP would've said so rather than "couple", so sounds like they're just a nurse at the hospital or something? Either way...it's hard to keep track of everything that happens if you don't know the people too well, can't remember everything! Also..I suppose it depends on the way they feel but I would've thought it was quite a thoughtful suggestion - kind of like in memory of the son they'd lost. Though I guess that might make it hard for them, but still.

failure_grrl234 0

The fact that they say 'a couple' and not something like 'my friends' suggests they don't know them personally. Maybe they work at the hospital where the baby was born. That would also explain how they knew about the death of the other child, but it wouldn't have been a strong memory. It wouldn't be their fault they forgot, they would see lots of people every day, they can't automatically remember everything about every family they work with.

aww poor them for losing a child ='( and i hope they dont think you said joshua on purpose because some people take jokes too far.

People are being way too harsh. It sucks that it didn't register in your head about Joshua, but that doesn't make you unworthy of friendship. I'm sure you apologized right after, and even if it upset them to think about the death of their child, I'm sure they are not banning you from their lives.

SOMsLadyLove 0