
By 8reth72 - 11/06/2009 14:17 - United States

Today, I was helping a couple come up with a name for the baby they just had. I suggested "Joshua" thinking that it was an okay name. All sudden, the room got quiet. Turns out I had forgotten that Joshua was the name of their 3 year-old son who had died a couple months before. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 214
You deserved it 87 098

Same thing different taste

Top comments

taylerrr 0

how do you forget something like that?

CyclonePsycho 1

How do you forget something like that? He *just* died a few months ago, you idiot. YDI.


Fllyleaf 0

*bangs head on desk* how the hell could someone forget something like that? You completely deserved that! The least you could've done to help them cope with their sons death is be a little considerate and REMEMBER that it happened? asswipe!

you ****** up there, no way around it

#19 it says "I forgot" meaning he did know asshole. And overall this is so sad :( it's possible to slip of course but you must have felt terrible.

how did u forget? did u know the couple at all?

mas19 0

At first I thought ydi, but I feel too bad.You made a mistake, but it's okay...

All you people who say YDI are plain fucktards. You don't even know in what kind of situation this happened, may as well have been at work or something like that. It's quite easy to forget these things when you're not close to people.

fake. most couples don't wait until after the baby is born to come up with names. and who would do such a thing? so fake.

elsieenchanted 0

How could you forget that? D:

#17 she said "a couple" It sounds like she's a nurse or something. In which case, it sucks that that slipped her mind but she's not expected to remember every detail of everything. FYL.

Comment #4 is great and terrible at the same time. More on the great side though.