By 8reth72 - 11/06/2009 14:17 - United States
By 8reth72 - 11/06/2009 14:17 - United States
By Oof - 27/02/2024 15:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 29/10/2010 03:36 - United States
By Anonymous - 17/09/2014 22:10 - Canada - Toronto
By DEDMan - 28/10/2018 17:30
By baby names - 23/09/2018 22:00
By I hate my life - 25/06/2023 18:00
By Anonymous - 24/10/2010 13:06 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 06/07/2011 23:38 - United States
By jjjjjjmmmmm92 - 20/07/2010 23:08 - United States
By Anonymous - 23/10/2021 05:00 - Canada - Enderby
Agreed with #38 and #46. I almost said YDI, but then I realized you never mentioned being their friends or family, and even if you had been you meant no harm (I admit I'd be less sympathetic in those cases). We all have accidents. I feel for you and for the family that lost their son.
maybe that's why you thought of it
#81, you're kidding, right? Some people pick names before the baby is born but a large amount of them wait until afterwards. That way, they can pick a name to go with the baby's face or something. OP, this isn't really that big a deal. Just apologize, say you forgot, and suggest another name.
..... I misread the whole FML. Shit, sorry. .___. YDI plz. Except we all forget things. Also, it's called 'easily distracted', not 'moron'. Never EVER call me by any name that impies an insult to my IQ. However, I like how my comments were finally noticed on this one. yay me
Everyone in the room got owned.
Name it "Seven".
That sucks... it also sucked when I read it on sickipedia a few hours ago... fake?
Incredibly tactless on your part, that is pretty significant event to simply "forget" about.
you are stupid.
#87 I agree...or they may have changed their mind once the baby was born. I was supposed to be named Melanie, but after I was born my parents decided it didn't fit me, so they named me Desiree... And #81 that's such a dumb comment...because you know every couple in the world who's ever had a baby and they all picked the name before the birth...sure...
how do you forget something like that?
How do you forget something like that? He *just* died a few months ago, you idiot. YDI.