With a heavy heart…

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I watched my best friend get married to the guy I have been in love with since the eighth grade. I was the maid of honor, and had to give a toast to the couple. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 878
You deserved it 17 930

Same thing different taste

Top comments

...sounds like a plot to a romantic comedy....


Aw..I can totally sympathize with that. *hugs* This is a truly sad and I think very true FML.

endless_text 0

To all the people telling her she should speak up and tell him, or tell her best friend...ARE YOU ALL COMPLETELY MENTAL?! It's a crush, you'll get over it. If he was meant for you, then he wouldn't be marrying your best friend. I know it's hard, but it's not like she married him out of the blue, she must have been dating him for a long time before hand, so you've had plenty of time to adjust to this. He's not for you, so you have two choices...start talking yourself out of this crush and get over it and move on with your life, or keep pining away in silence and being miserable. But whatever you do, do NOT tell either of them how you feel, because that would be incredibly selfish, and probably lose you a couple of friends.

brownies_fml 0

8th grade? You deffinitly had time to say something! YDI for being stupid

YDI, what are you? Still 13? Its called moving on, you've been stuck on the same dude for 10+ years! At least your friend had enough sense to try to date him, and look what happened. Be happy for them and stop waiting for your Jr. High Sweetheart.

LollyPop1 0

Awwww, I'm sorry..although you should've done something earlier so YOU could have him instead of your friend...

im sorry, that must of hurt. but stupid question if shes your best freind wouldent she know u liked him? and if she did y would she have u make that toast? thats just cruil. thats like making an ethiopian serve u food. but hey u never know whay the future holds

People who say YDI to OP. Please go screw yourself. This is probably the saddest FML I've ever read. I can totally relate with you. Even I am in love with a girl who has rejected me. I know how it feels to be in one-sided love. It sucks. Some people here just don't understand the feeling. What can I can say to you OP? There is one particular dialog from The Last Samurai that Tom Cruise says "A man has to do what he can till his destiny is shown to him". I totally believe in this. They say time is the greatest healer, I'm sure your pain will also heal. #44- I appreciate the pain you took in posting your thoughts here.

i also know what one sided love is like, but if she didn't tell him then she obviously deserves it. otherwise it is quite sad.

ChefBoy6382 0

better learn to speak up!!!

Kandyland 12

I know the feeling. Been there hun. Trust me, you'll get over it... and be a bitter bitch forever. *sigh*