With a heavy heart…

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I watched my best friend get married to the guy I have been in love with since the eighth grade. I was the maid of honor, and had to give a toast to the couple. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 878
You deserved it 17 930

Same thing different taste

Top comments

...sounds like a plot to a romantic comedy....


omg that is so much like a movie i recently watched did you object cos i know i would have sorry about this. good luck in the future

I created an account just to reply here because I felt I HAD to react; you're so unfair with her! You should consider the following: - You definitely CAN really fall in love in the 8th grade. I know a couple who met when the girl was 16 (the guy is actually several years older). This was five years ago, now they are still together, married and, AFAIK, very happy. Hell, after all, Romeo and Juliet were only 14... of course it is fiction, but I think it still makes the point! - To all of you who say that she should have "spoke (sic) up", "done something about it", "dated him" and so on: she probably tried. And got rejected. Then what could she do about it? Plead him to go out with her? Explain him that he really shouldn't date her friend but should date her instead? Spread some evil gossip to ruin her friend's reputation? Come on. @#25: If you were at her place, would you be satisfied with your situation? Of course she is happy for her friend. I think I would be, too. But this happiness is kind of bitter, and she cannot help it. I'm actually in a similar situation. I've been in love with a girl (let's call her S., I don't want to reveal her name) since I was 15, expressed my feelings to her some months later, got rejected. Now she is one of my best friends, and I get along very well with her boyfriend, too. For all those years, all I've been trying to do was to get S. out of my heart and to find another girlfriend. Six years have passed, and for the moment, I've failed at both; and while I still have hope for the latter, I am quite certain that I'll never be able to look at S. with a level head. Though I might yet meet a girl I would date, maybe marry, make a family with, maybe even be happy with, I am quite sure that S. will remain forever the love of my life. Maybe I sound childish and dramatic, but those are my genuine feelings. So as for moving on, it is not so simple. Maybe the OP even has a boyfriend, but is still in love with that guy. @#4: For me, it sounds more like drama. The kind of drama that happens all the time all around us.

Let's ignore for the moment where 16 and 14 are significantly different chemically and mentally. Just because they've been together for five years doesn't mean that she was in love with this guy for the entire time. All it really means is that she fell in love with him over time. You know, the way normal people do it. And if you're using Romeo and Juliet as your example of true love or whatever, you *really* need a reality check. Or to read Romeo and Juliet, because it's possible you just don't know the play. If she really did make her feelings known, and she really thought it was an FML-worthy thing to give the toast, she wouldn't have been giving it, really. Assuming she made her feelings known and never bothered to get over this guy when he rejected her, no *best* friend would be upset if you said you couldn't do a toast because of your feelings. As for your personal situation, I've been in a very similar situation as yours. I got out of it. What did I learn? It wasn't love, it was just a pretty bad infatuation. Real love came along later. I probably won't stay with this person for the rest of my life, but I do know that I love em and that ey really taught me what love is. Trust me, I don't care what you think, you don't know true love until it's reciprocated.

We won't really know, because of the lack of details in the FML, but this seems less likely to be a "I told him before and got rejected" situation and more of a "I have liked him since 8th grade but never told him" situation. If she HAD told him and gotten rejected, then I'm surprised he still went out with her best friend and that the OP was still the maid of honor and that he and the OP didn't have some sort of conversation that at least attempted to sort out these awkward feelings. Lack of details

Phreephorm 0

While most here say that love while 18 and under is infatuation, it can and does happen. I was 15, a month or so shy of 16, when I first fell in love. Today we are still together, married since I turned 18, and 2 kids. I may love him more now, but just because of shared circumstances. It is the same love as the beginning, just more developed. We didn't exchange " I love you's" until several months in, and not long after I felt it appropriate to lose my virginity to him. We met in 1994 by the way. Never have I regretted not dating more or having devoted such a large percentage of my life to one person. I also know several other married couples who attended prom together. So, while it might be unusual to fall in "true love" as a teen, it is most definitely possible. OP: Your situation sucks, but if you have not already done so, telling them now would only give you more heartbreak by losing your friendships and possibly causing dischord in their marriage. Mourn for what you could have had and try to move on. You will find the right guy for you, but only if you set yourself free of the crush and see each new guy for who and what they are as opposed to who and what they aren't. Good Luck 

well for one thing, Romeo and Juliet were never in love. Just throwing that out there, they were in lust. Romeo was on the rebound (just been rejected) and Juliet wanted out of an arranged marriage. They were both young and hot stuff, so why the hell not? That's not love. That's "oh you're hot and I'm feeling rebellious" and "oh you're pretty and I'm feeling lonely, let's bang" and then they call it love. It's supposed to poke fun at the idea of people so young mistaking physical attraction for love, because when we're 14, THAT'S WHAT WE DO. for another, if she made a move and got rejected, then yeah, it sucks, but you know what? She's not the only person it's ever happened to. Shocker, I know. It's happened to me, and it's going to happen to me again, but am I sitting around and moping about it? no, I'm not, because all that does is make me incapable of moving on, and all it does is hold me back. I'm not saying that she has to be happy that the guy she's supposedly "in love with" doesn't feel the same, but really? Get over it. I've been in a sort of similar situation too. No, they're not getting married, seeing as we're all still, you know, in our teenage years. And no, I wasn't "in love" with him, and I recognize that. Two of my best friends though. I liked him and he liked her and I knew he liked her and he knew I liked him. And you know what I did? I HELPED THEM GET TOGETHER. do you know why? Because I'm a good friend and I want to see my friends happy, even if it means I don't necessarily get what I want. Because seeing my friends happy DOES make me happy. A lot happier than I could be if I got what I wanted and saw that one of my best friends was upset over it. If her BEST FRIEND and the man she supposedly loves are getting married, she should be happy for them. And, if she really loves him as much as she says she does, she should be putting his happiness before her own. This is the man she loves; if he were to spend his life with someone he doesn't love, when he could have had that person, he would be miserable. So, what, would she rather spend her life with someone that she's INFATUATED WITH, even though they're miserable, while her BEST FRIEND watches from the side? Or would she rather see two people that she apparently cares a lot for (even though she has a really funny way of showing it) happy, while she can go and find someone to make her happy, since apparently she won't be complete unless she finds a man? I know I'm being ranty and harsh. But this is life. Not a fairytale. It's not Disney. It's not a movie. It's not a story. It's real life now, and things don't always just magically work out for everyone. People end up sad. People end up angry. People end up alone or feeling incomplete. People die. People live and they laugh and they dance and they sing and they cry and they yell and they scream and they fight and then die and they breathe and they experience life if they let themselves. So yeah, she's the girl on the side. And yeah, it sucks that she doesn't get the man that she wants. But she's only looking on the bad side of it, and that's her problem. And don't get me wrong. It's not that I don't believe in love. I do. I'm just more of a realistic romantic (or romantic realist?) than a romantic. (;

that is soooo sad.. i hope u get over it.. and gosh everybody stop saying its 27 dresses.. sometimes we relate to movies and we feel that they tell our story not the opposite..

that really sucks but his married now nothing you can do

...you didn't even bring this issue up before? if i were that attached/uncomfortable with the situation, for my own sanity i wouldn't be at the wedding. are you just hiding this from everyone? if so..i mean..did anyone hold a shotgun to your head and tell you to be in a bad romantic comedy?

YDI. this is the same old crap story every week. normal people are not mind readers. if you don't approach them and tell them how you feel then they will never know. so YDI for not telling him how you feel about him since 8th grade

YDI, it sucks really bad so I guess it's an FML as well. But you should've told them, at least you wouldn't have had to be the maid of honor... Your friend would (hopefully) understand.

elfuzzo 0

YDI for never admitting your feelings. Or, if you have, YDI for not moving on when they weren't reciprocated.

she can't really be your best friend if she didn't know you loved him unless she did know, in that case, she's a bitch but I doubt it I feel really sorry for you this is a very sad FML you will find someone else though

anonimause 0

You little romantic children are so adorable. That feeling you have for someone who has already rejected you, or that one you haven't even tried with because you know you'll be rejected - that's not love. It's just fantasy. Get over it. Yes, you watch movies and read books where the Prom King finally confesses that he is tired of his gorgeous but shallow cheerleeder girlfriend and has always really felt undying love for the flat-chested mouse with the heart of gold, but it doesn't happen in real life. The one that actually ends up confessing his/her love to you is that awkward weirdo with the BO from the back of the class. Now realize that to the Prom King/Queen, you are that awkward weirdo. Now, that doesn't mean you have to settle for the awkward weirdo - there are a thousand gradients between the highest and lowest on the social totem pole - but don't expect the Prom King/Queen to settle for you. (Remember that when you are faced with your own awkward weirdo's confession. Be firm about your rejection, but gentle with his/her feelings.) One day, you will look back and think, I'm so glad I wasn't good enough for so-and-so, because then I would have never met this wonderful person I'm with now.

Couldn't have said it better myself, #57.

speak_a_da_truth 0

Ya please grow up. Since the 8th grade you haven't moved on?