With a heavy heart…

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I watched my best friend get married to the guy I have been in love with since the eighth grade. I was the maid of honor, and had to give a toast to the couple. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 878
You deserved it 17 930

Same thing different taste

Top comments

...sounds like a plot to a romantic comedy....


awdorable 0

I'm sorry! I know how it's like to have one of your so called friends steal your love. Find another guy, hun, one that's perfect for you! xoxo

lastminuteperm 0

Get over it. Your an ass. Your friend is happy, and the guy doesn't like you...I can see why. It's their special day you bitch.

meh loves shit. always ***** you over. "**** your emotions, drink beer and **** women"- adam d from killswitch, just hearing him saying it usually gets me off the pissed off path

muffinsareyummy 1

tell your biffle that you and the husband have been having an affair for the past couple of months. chances are they're going to get divorced anyway.

jdbooth84 0

I'm fairly sure I was at this wedding last night..... I'm pretty sure the guy she's in love with was my Cousin... I was a groomsman... and possibly the one who walked this girl down the aisle. LOL Of course, it could be random, but I don't see too many people having weddings on fridays in IL

WOOOAAAAAHH IL. IS WHERE ITS AT. friday obvisly not a jewish wedding

mperrrrr 0

oh god that sucks i have a nasty feeling thats going to happen to me in ten years.. try to find someone else so you don't ruin your friendship with the bride and their marriage. good luck

that completely sucks, honey. i can't imagine how horrible that must feel. :(

I hate to say it but sometime in the last 10-15 years you should have spoken up

#112 has it. You could have said something to him, but you didn't. Maybe if you had talked to him BEFORE he started dating your best friend, something would have happened. That's what happens when you keep your mouth shut. You'll never get what you want if you don't ask for it. Sorry, but you didn't speak up, so you didn't get what you wanted. This is a sad FML, but you should have said something, either to the guy or your best friend.

Honestly, I'm getting tired of these FML's "ZOMG MY BEST FRIEND IS WITH THE BOY/GIRL I'VE BEEN IN LOVE WITH FOREVER!!111!!1!!!1!!!!!!1!!". It's your fault for not confessing it to them in the first place. I mean seriously... I KNOW it's hard to confess your feelings to someone, but if you're THAT in love with him, he should've been worth it. You need to take that plunge sometimes, or you're not truly living. What if he felt the same way? You could've been the one marrying him instead. If you DID confess your feelings to him, and he didn't feel the same... it's your fault for not moving on and getting over it. Some people are just not worth the pain and suffering. I'm sure there's other great men out there that will love you... and probably would be better for you than him. And, why would you agree to be a maid of honer if the wedding hurt you so badly? Did you not even confess your feelings for this man to your best friend? I thought best friends told each other everything? If you've had a crush on him since 8th grade, shouldn't she have known? If she DID know, and married him anyway, then you DEFINITELY shouldn't have been the maid of honor, and she's not worth being friends with if she'll marry a man that she knows you're "in love with".